Chapter 36

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I crouch behind the couch and slowly peek around the side. I don't see anyone. It looks like I escaped Louis and Zayn. They have been trying to get their so called revenge on me.

The first time they almost succeeded. I went down to breakfast this morning and found out that they dumped a whole bottle of hot sauce in my pancake mix. If Storm hadn't told me then it would have ended very badly. So, I switched my pancakes with theirs. They didn't appreciate it so much.

The second time they put itching powder in my shoes. I caught them doing this after lunch. I thought I repay the favor and do the same thing for them. I didn't put the itching powder in their shoes, though. Let's just say that they really don't like me right now.

Now I am hiding down in the game room. I ran down here as soon as I heard Louis yell. I know they will find me eventually, but later is better than sooner. Maybe I'll just hide down here for the rest of the day. I'll just text Niall and ask him to bring some food down here for me. Wait. Niall doesn't share. I'll ask Cher.

I could always come put of hiding. What's the worst that could happen? This is Louis we are talking about. He can be quite devious at times. Zayn most likely wouldn't do anything. Louis is a different story.

My cell phone starts vibrating in my pocket. I slide it out and check the caller ID. It's Riley! I haven't heard from him in a week and a half.

"Hey, Riley!" I whisper.

"Why are you whispering?" Riley asks, greeting me.

"I'm hiding from Louis." I lean back against the couch.

"What did you do?"

Riley knows me so well. He just automatically knows that I did something wrong. Maybe I'm innocent. Nah. Riley knows I did something to make Louis come after me.

"I was doing a weird dance behind Louis and Zayn while they were trying to be serious in front of the camera. Then this morning Louis dumped a whole bottle of hot sauce in my pancake mix. I switched our pancakes. The last thing that really made them mad was that I put itching powder where it should never go." I explain to him.

"That's just cruel. I don't blame them for coming after you." Riley says. "So, where are you hiding?"

"Behind a couch in our game room. I couldn't think of anywhere else to hide." I giggle.

This is a terrible hiding place. I should have picked a better place to hide. Anyone could find me down here. I should have hid in the pantry or a bathroom. Then I would have food or a bathroom. I'm out in the open down here.


"Hmm?" I shake my head as if I was clearing my thoughts.

"I've been saying your name for the past two minutes." Riley states.

"Oh. My bad." I chuckle. "What were you saying?"

"I said I was sorry." Riley repeats.

"Sorry? What are you sorry for?" I sit up straighter.

"For what's about to happen in a few minutes."

I tense up. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"I called for a certain reason." Riley starts explaining to me. "I already knew about what you two going back and forth with pranks."

I peek around the side of the couch. "He called you, didn't he?!"

"Yeah, he did. Louis was listening the entire time. It was a three way call."

"Traitor!" I shout at him through my phone.

"Hello, love!" Louis stands above me with his arms crossed.

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