Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Emilie's Pov.

After the party, on our second date Dan told me what he was, and I freaked.  Dan and I talked and I had decided to give him a chance, we were supposed to go on a date tomorrow, but I so didn't count on this! That was just wrong, No way could he do this to me! He asked me to trust him, and I did. But after yesterday how can I?

Yesterday I had overheard a few of the girls in school talking about Alison. 

Flash back.

"Alison is the biggest slut ever!” I heard Bianca 'whisper' I froze, “I know right she’s like slept with half the football team.” one of the cacklers (Ashley) agreed with her, I sat there still frozen. “Oh and she so slept with the Headmaster how else could trash like her afford to come here.” Cassie butted in. Now I got my head back, the sting of jealousy was replaced with guilt. I shouldn't doubt Dan.

I shook my head and left the cafeteria, okay so I had a moment of insanity. I knew she hadn't slept with the headmaster, there is just no way. They were probably just bitching. Satisfied with my conclusion I scolded myself for even questioning Dan. He has been so perfect. I was so scared about what I felt for him and the hole his a player rumors but he has just been great. totally lovable and sweet. He took me out on our first date yesterday telling me I was beautiful, opening doors, getting my chair, just making me comfortable. I had so much fun and I felt so loved. How could I doubt him know?

I headed over to the pack house. He had taken me there before and since he wasn't answering his phone I had know other way to contact him. I went passed the slut-group on my way through the living room and asked one of the guys after Dan, but they said he wouldn't be home yet, but I could wait for him he wouldn't be gone long. So I did.

"No she is the biggest slut of all" They all laughed. The girls where bitching over some girl in the pack"she is the Alpha's favorite" one of the girls began. This got my attention.

 I listened to their conversation, when . "I saw Ali getting out of his room a few weeks ago, no girl is supposed to be allowed in his room, we all know that, yet she was there..." Ashley, I think her name was, said. A felt a hit of jealousy.  "Oh my god it's so sickening that Danny chose her over one of us, I mean we are so much prettier than her" A girl whined. I heard Ali snorted. "Heard she was all over him at the after party last Friday after the game" Another one said. Another hit of jealousy. 

Alison left the room not looking bothered by the conversation at all. I just had to know more. I went over to the girls, before I could stop myself. They all looked at me like I was some sort of freak. "What do you want?" One of the girls asked. "I... I c-couldn't help but h-hear what you guys said. Is Alison really that big of a slut?" Ashley smiled sweetly at me, "Your Emilie, right?" She asked. "Y-yeah I am" 

She smiled. "Well I don't want to hurt your feelings but, she is with Danny all the time, she is the only girl he has ever let in his room. And of course it could just be incident mistake, but nothing about Alison is inesent. Just to warn you, if you want to keep your man" She finished. I felt the anger inside me, I couldn't know if what she said was true, and I wasn't going to go all jealous girlfriend on him for no reason.

"Well if you don't believe me you can always ask around, and she was getting all hot and heavy with him on friday at the after party, she even had a little lap dance show for everyone on your boys lap" My blood was boiling. I just left the room, I wanted to cry. I just needed to get away. I left the house and drove home.

End Of flashback 

I was going to talk about it with him today. I headed over to the pack house and didn't bother with hello's. I headed strait for his room I had to ask, get this out of my system. I was just so scared. What if it was true? Was he cheating on me? Was everything he had said a lie? I just couldn't understand. I was a few doors away from his room when Alison walked out of the room in just a t-shirt, his t-shirt. They said the truth! He was cheating on me. I turned strait around and ran. out of the pack house. And into the forest. I hit a tree in the process and got knocked on the ground. 

It wasn't a tree. I looked up and saw a man standing in front of me. He had his hand out "Are you okay?"

"Y-yes I'm f-fine" I said, but even I wasn't convinced.

"Clearly something is troubling you," he said. "Maybe talking to a complete stranger will help?" He said with a little smile.

"My Mate is cheating on me" I let it all out, tears streaming down my face.

"Are you sure? The way mates feels for each other is very intense, it couldn't be a misunderstanding?" He said, but I shook my head.

"No, I saw it. The Bitch was leaving his room in only his t-shirt, doesn't get more obvious than that" I sniffed.

"And after the game last Friday she even gave him a lap dance and I never knew!"

"I'm sorry to hear that, it doesn't sound like he deserve you" He said comforting.

"I'm sorry for going all psycho babble on you" I said. Realising I just let my heart out to a total stranger I felt silly.

"Here" He said, "it's my number, you can call me whenever you need someone to listen to your psycho babble" He said with a small smile.

"Thanks" I said and but the peace of paper in my pocket. "The worst part is that He even asked me to try to like her, said Alison was nice, well apparently she was more than just nice" I sniffed.

He turned quiet. I looked at him as he stood there in a frozen state.

"Are you okay?"

"You said Alison?" he asked.

"Yeah, why?"

He shook his head. "No it was nothing, No worries"

"What's your name?"


"Well thank you Luke"


Oh shit what will Luke think?

I'm the Wolf Bitch! (Complete) - Huntress series book 1Where stories live. Discover now