Chapter 26

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Chapter 26


Elena's pov

Vince, Trent and Kyle was outside the safe house, protecting the entrance so no one could get in. Hannah was passing back and forth, looking stressed, scared and pissed of all at once. Elena couldn't stop thinking about Jace, out there in the front line with rogues coming at him from every side. But she shook her thoughts away, or tried to. Watching Hannah pacing back and forth she knew she could do something, even if it wasn't much. 

"Hannah, you should sit down, the stress isn't good for the baby" Elena said gently, giving Hannah a weak smile. Hannah nodded, and sat down on one of the couch. "Knowing the father of my child is out there, fighting isn't good either" Hannah sighed. One of the elders, Anastasia sat down giving us a glass of water. 

"Here you go girls" She said handing the glasses to us. She sat down next to Hannah. "Try not to worry, the most important thing you can do for your mate right now is making sure you stay safe. A wolf needs to keep a level headed mind to fight and he can't do that is he knows you and your pup isn't safe" Anastasia said wisely. She looked to be in her 70s and you could tell this wasn't the first time she had been in a rogue attack.

"I know Ana, I just can't stop worrying" Hannah sighed.

"Just remember he loves you, and nothing will stop him from returning to you and you pup" Ana said, patting Hannah's shoulder lightly, before standing up and leaving.

"Ana is right" I said seeing Hannah's still scared face.

"Just remember how much Jim loves you and hold on to that" I said. Elena realized she was trying to convince herself as well as Hannah as she spoke. Jace loved her. She just needed to hang on to that and have faith that he would do everything he can to return to her. 

Hannah nodded making Elena smile. There was many kids and women in the safe house. Most had hurried deep into the safe house, as far away from the front door as possible. Women who could fight, fair enough stayed in the first room, with the healthy, teens and young adults, elderly and pregnant in the second room, mothers and children in the far end in the third room, so that if anything where to happen we were prepared. Hannah had wanted to stay in the first room, refusing to stay with the children as they where giving her a head ache, so Elena stayed with Hannah in the second room.

Thinking about Jace outside, fighting for his life as well as their way of life, and their future life together made her chest tighten. She wanted him by her side, she wanted to know he was safe, Damn it! All she could think of was him, how she wished she was a fighter so she could stay by his side. She was grateful to Ali, for the few self defence lessons she had given her, even if she couldn't do anything right now the knowledge that she could be of some use if anything where to happen reassured her.

I'm the Wolf Bitch! (Complete) - Huntress series book 1Where stories live. Discover now