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Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you could fly? Fly on your own without a plane or a helicopter. Let me tell you it's fucking fantastic!

Here I am at twelve years old, soaring above the forest outside of the village with my wings flapping every few seconds. My long black hair whipped around me as the wind tossed it around, my glasses keeping the wind out of my eyes. 

Over the past few years my appearence hasn't changed very much. My skin is still pale, my eyes are still yellow, and I'm still that one weird kid in class that just sits there in a corner. The only differences are now my hair reaches my ass, my tail has gotten longer, and my wingspan has increased. My small seven foot wingspan has turned into a huge eleven and a half foot wingspan. My outfit hasn't really changed at all, other than the fact that I carry around a katana. Why? I always wanted to use a sword, but never needed to, but now I can carry around a sword and it looks totally normal and totally badass. I had asked the Hokage to find me a teacher and he did! Nothing else interesting has really happened, other than the fact that I may have a slight crush on someone I know. The sad thing is I know she's into someone else. 

I looked into the horizen and noticed that the sun was already begining to rise into the sky, meaning it was almost 6:00am. I quickly changed directions and headed back towards my apartment, making sure I was quiet. The last thing I need is someone seeing me and screaming or something.

 Look! It's a bird! 

No! It's a plane!

No! It's super dork!

Oh yeah. I just remembered there are no super hero comics here. 

My apartment building roof came into view and I landed on it as silently as I could, pressing my wings against my back and slipping on my vest, also wrapping my tail around my chest under my tank top. I left the hood down and began making my way down the building, walking down a flight of steps before I finally came to my apartment. I took the key out of my pocket and opened my door, once I walked in I flipped on the lights and shut the door. I made my way to the bathroom and picked up my hairbrush, putting my hair over my shoulder and brushing it before putting it into a ponytail and flipping my hood on. Don't ask me why, but I don't really want to cut my hair.

I trudged into the kitchen and searched the fridge for something edible, have I ever mentioned I can't cook to save my life? Seriously I'm super useless in a kitchen. I kept searching until I found a carton of eggs that had three eggs left in it.

"Eggs it is." I decided, taking out the eggs and a pan.

I quickly cooked up some scrambled eggs before putting them on a plate and drowning them in ketchup. I finished off my nutritious breakfast with a glass of milk before grabbing an apple and leaving my apartment. The reason I eat so much is because my metabolism is really fast, although I'm not sure why. 

As I walk I run into Naruto, giving him the usual good morning and then being quiet. I wasn't all that talktive, but I didn't mind listening to Naruto's rambling. The only people I think I can stand are Sasuke and Hinata. Sasuke because he doesn't bother me and Hinata because she's quiet and gentle and kind and intellegent and.... Cute. Too bad Hinata is crushing on Naruto and Naruto is too dense to even realise. 

Fucking puberty all over again.

"Yuuto? Did you hear me?" Naruto asked, breaking me from my thoughts.

"What were you saying?" I asked.

"I said, are you excited for the graduation test?" Naruto repeated.

"I guess that is today." I sighed. "I guess you could say I'm excited, I'm just sick of the Academy."

"Me too." Naruto agreed. "Once I graduate I'll be one step closer to becoming the greatest Hokage ever!"

"And when you become Hokage I'll sprout wings and fly." I said, smirking.

"Then prepare to fly!" Naruto declared.

I snickered to myself, one day I'll show him I can really fly and he'll drop dead right there.

Once the Academy came into view I turned to Naruto with a smirk.

"First one to class buys the other ramen after school." I  declared.

"You're on!" He roared, taking off.

I start running only three seconds after Naruto and caught up to him easily. Naruto was indeed a stamina freak, but he wasn't all that fast. I ran along side him for a few seconds before speeding up and entering the classroom five seconds before him.

"Looking forward to that ramen later Naruto." I said, giving him a smirk.

Naruto simply hung his head and trudged over to his seat, mumbling about money and ramen. I quickly took my seat next to Naruto and Sasuke, tapping my fingers against my desk boredly, that is until Sasuke poked me.

"What?" I asked.

Sasuke pointed to the bench we were sitting on, making me look down. Oh, shit. Sitting right there is a large black feather.

"Must be from the raven that was following me earlier..." I lied quickly, trying to ignore the nervous sweat that threatned to roll down my face.

"Hn." Sasuke said back, being his usual talktive self.

He turned away and I released a sigh of relief. If people think I'm strange now what would they say if they saw the real me? I relaxed back into my seat and shut my eyes for a moment, my peace wasn't long though. Naruto jumped onto the desk and was glaring intently at Sasuke, looking for attention as usual. Naruto squatted down to glare at Sasuke, and weirdly enough Sasuke glared back. 

This moment is so much better in person than on a screen. Three... Two... One... And kiss! 

Sure enough the person in the row in front of us stood up and bumped Naruto, making them kiss. Almost immediatly afterwards they began coughing and spitting, leaving me to snicker to myself.

"What are you laughing at freak?" A girl suddenly shrieked.

All of the girls who had been glaring at Naruto were now glaring at me, making everyone else in the class also look at me. Let me just say I hate attention.

"Is it a crime to laugh?" I asked, slowly backing away from the girls in my seat.

"It is when you're laughing at Sasuke!" A random glasses wearing girl screamed, throwing a punch at me.

Using my quick reflexes, I jumped back, landing on a desk a row down. I roll my eyes at the girls. Seriously, we're twelve, why do you all care about boys so much? The girl puffed her cheeks and joined the rest of the girls, helping them go back to beating Naruto. I sat down on the desk I had jumped to, deciding to stay away from all of that. For once I actually wanted to see Iruka-sensei to start class.

"Alright everyone sit down! When your name is called come into the exam room to take your test!" 

Thank you Iruka-sensei!

"We will be testing you all on the clone jutsu!" He announced.

I quickly turned to Naruto. "Rest in peace Naruto." 

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