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"Sakura, point C."

"Sasuke, point B."

"Yuuto, point D."

".... Naruto point A!"

"Naruto, you're too slow!" Kakashi scolded. "The target moved! Follow it!"

We dashed through the trees after out target, quick little shit.

"Now!" Kakashi ordered.

All of us jumped out of the bushes, Naruto getting there slightly before us.

"Got you!" Naruto held the cat tightly in his arms as it started clawing his hands and face.

"Does it have a red ribbon on it's right ear?" Kakashi asked.

"Target confirmed, lost pet Tora captured." Sasuke said in an overly bored voice.

"Great job team, let's head back to the Hokage's office." Kakashi said, taking out his book and reading as he led us to the Hokage's office.

We started on the way back to Hokage's office to receive our next mission. Tora was still scratching Naruto's face up and Naruto was screaming.

"Someone else take the cat!" Naruto screamed.

Naruto suddenly threw Tora, and she landed in my arms for some reason. I held the cat by the scruff of her neck and hissed at her, making her stop squirming. I held Tora gently in my arms and continued walking.

"Maybe Tora wouldn't scratch you if you held her gently." I said, petting Tora who was relaxed in my arms.

"Stupid cat." Naruto mumbled.

"The cat isn't the stupid one." I snapped back, continuing to pet Tora.

To be honest I was pissed that we spent three hours looking for a lost pet, not to mention Tora was going to scratch me until I hissed at her. I don't think Tora particularly likes me, but I think she appreciates me holding her gently. We walked mostly in silence until we ended up in front of the Hokage's office, Kakashi knocking on the door.

"Come in." The Hokage's voice said from his office.

Kakashi opened the door and we walked in, the only other people in the room being the Hokage, Iruka-sensei, and the Daimyo's wife.

"Oh! My sweet Tora!" The chubby woman ran over to me and quickly snatched Tora from my arms. "Thank you for finding Tora!"

Tora actually reached for me as the woman walked over to Iruka and handed him some money. I watched them walk out of the room, Tora still reaching out for me. I feel so bad for that cat now, it's so tempting to just steal her.

"Team seven, for your next mission we have, babysitting, grocery shopping for a council elder, or-" The Hokage started.

"NO!" Naruto yelled, crossing his arms. "I want a real mission! Not chores!"

"Naruto!" Iruka yelled. "The missions have ranking and-"

"So guys, I was thinking of catnapping Tora, I mean did you see how miserable she seemed?" I said, ignoring Iruka.

"Guess what, I had miso ramen yesterday, and I was thinking of having pork ramen today, a-" Naruto whispered.

"Pay attention! None of you are paying attention!" Iruka-sensei scolded.

"It's alright Iruka, I think I have the perfect mission for them." The Hokage interupted. "It's a C-rank escort mission."

"Who's the client?! A princcess!? A feudal lord?!" Naruto asked.

"Bring in the client!" The Hokage ordered.

The door quickly swung open and the smell of alcohol wafted into the room. I quickly started breathing through my mouth, not wanting to breath in the old drunken guys scent.

"I'm Tazuna the great bridge builder, and I expect you to protect me with your lives." Tazuna slurred. "What's this a bunch of snot nosed brats? What's with the short one with the stupid face?"

We lined up from tallest to shortest, first was Sasuke, then me, then Sakura and lastly Naruto.

"Who's the short one with the stupid face?" Naruto asked, until it dawned on him. "I'll kill you!"

Naruto lunged at Tazuna, being held back by Kakashi.

"Don't worry Tazuna, I'm a jonin and in charge of these four, I assure you you'll be fine." Kakashi said calmly. "Now all of you need to go pack for the mission, meet me at the gate's in an hour."

Kakashi disapeared and the rest of us headed to our homes to pack. I got home and quickly packed a bag, thinking about the mission. This is team seven's first C-rank, the mission that goes wrong fast, the mission we encounter an S-rank missing ninja from Kiri, and the mission where Naruto unleashes the nine tailed fox. I just had a feeling in my gut that this mission was going to so much worse than originally planned.

I slung my bag over my shoulder and headed out of my apartment, locking the door behind me and putting the key into my bag. I started walking towards the gate and noticed I was the first one here, other than Tazuna. This should be good. I walked over to Tazuna and pulled my hood further over my face.

"I'm onto you." I whispered.

Tazuna began sweating nervously.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Oh, nothing." I replied, walking over to a tree.

I leaned against the tree and waited for the rest of our team, surprisingly, Naruto was last to arrive.

"First time out of the village! I'm a traveller!" Naruto exclaimed.

"Not for me." I said, recalling my childhood.

"I travel plenty." Tazuna said. "And are you sure this squirt is a ninja?"

"Well, let's get moving team!" Kakashi said cheerfully, breaking all of the tension.

"Yeah!" Sakura cheered.

"Let's go." I agreed.

Sasuke simply nodded, and Naruto was too excited to even form words properly. 

Kakashi led the way out of the village, I kept an eye out for suspicious puddles, already knowing how this was supposed to go down. As long as everything went according to the anime we should be okay, but for some reason I still feel scared.

"Nothing will happen Yuuto, calm down." Kakashi said, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks sensei." I said. "I just have a bad feeling about all of this."

"Don't worry, I will protect you all with my life." Kakashi declared.

"I'm just hoping it doesn't get to that point, when I say I have a bad feeling," I turned to Kakashi. "I mean it."

"So Mr. Tazuna, you're from the land of waves right?" Sakura asked.

"Yeah, what of it." Tazuna replied, taking a sip of sake.

"Kakashi-sensei, are there any ninja in the Land of Waves?" Sakura asked.

"No there aren't any ninja in the Land of Waves, the land there already had Natural protection from the sea." Kakashi answered. "But don't worry, there isn't any fighting on a C-rank mission."

Kakashi patted Sakura lightly on the head.

Suddenly I saw a puddle up ahead, I just knew this is when things go wrong.

"Kakashi-sensei." I said as a warning.

"I know." He replied. "Get ready."

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