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My small break from Wattpad is over now, I will be updating again although I have no clue how often. Also I'm getting my eyes examined today, because I think I need glasses. The first day of school is two days from now for me.

My entire body still burned, but not nearly as bad. I could feel my conciousness returning, as I blinked my eyes, adjusting them to the bright light. I opened my eyes fully and slowly sat up, hissing in pain.

"Yuuto!" A sudden voice shouted.

"Oof!" I was suddenly in someone's arms and I looked up to see that it was Haku.

"What the hell happened?" I asked.

"You need to look in a mirror." Haku replied, leading me to the bathroom.

I flicked the light on in the bathroom of god knows where and almost screamed when I saw my appearence.

"Holy shit." I mumbled, bringing a hand up to my face.

I don't have skin, I have pale scales, all over my body. I'm two inches taller than before, my black feathered wings are a foot larger on either side and was tail was thicker and longer.

"After the fight you passed out I got Sai and we ran straight here to the tower. Sai was poisoned by a snake and you've been out for three days." Haku said, before he began blushing. "I stayed with you the whole time."

I looked at Haku in surprise. I could clearly tell he hadn't left my side, his hair was a mess and he looked like he hasn't eaten in a while.

"Have you eaten?" I asked, not wanting him to neglect something like eating.

"No..." He replied, hanging his head.

"How about you get us some food and I'll go check on Sai?" I suggested.

"Alright." Haku agreed before leaving the room.

I looked around and noticed that I was in some kind of medical ward, and at the end of the hallway Sai was sitting on a bed with a small sketch book in his hands.

"How are you feeling Yuuto?" Sai asked, looking up from his book.

"A little shaken up, but surprisingly good." I replied, the thought that Haku was looking after me made me smile.

"That's good, because the second part of the chuunin exams ends today, and judging by the amount of teams that passed, we may have to have a preliminary round." Sai said, going back to his book.

"What about you, how are you feeling?" I asked.

"The poison has long left my system, I was feeling a little weak, but I'm good now." Sai replied.

"Good to hear, I'm just going to sit down and wait for Haku." I sighed, walking back to my bed and sitting down.

Haku came back with two plates, both of them piled high with pancakes.

"The buffet downstairs has breakfast foods, so I brought pancakes." Haku said timidly, placing a plate and fork in front of me.

"Thanks a lot Haku." I replied, stabbing my fork into a pancake.

As I chewed, I took notice of how easy the food was to slice in my mouth, making me think I had sharper teeth.

"Haku?" I said to catch his attention.

"Yes?" He asked quickly.

"Are my teeth a little sharper?" I asked, opening my mouth.

"Not by much, but your canines are larger and sharper." Haku replied.

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