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I've been staying with Zabuza and Haku for like three days now, and I think Zabuza wants me to be another one of his tools like Haku. Haku is slowly becoming my best friend, I hate to say it, but the guy is relatable. 

Zabuza won't let me go anywhere without Haku, and he isn't letting me leave. Zabuza is actually a pretty cool guy, and he's been teaching me more and more about weilding a sword. I still can't stand up to him though, compared to him my sword skills are like a toddlers. 

To ensure I don't escape, the room they've given me has no windows and the door is locked from the outside. They won't even let me use fucking hair pins. Not that it matters much, I'm pretty blind without my glasses so I can't even see well enough to put my hair up. Haku has been nice enough to do my hair though, of course he takes all of the hair pins at the end of the day so I can't pick the lock.

Currently I'm sitting in my room, waiting for Haku to come get me. I heard the lock being opened and a second later Haku opened the door.

"Let's go Yuuto, I need your help." Haku said, smiling at me kindly.

"What are we doing today?" I asked, standing up.

"Picking herbs for Zabuza." He replied.

"Let's go." I yawned, stretching.

Haku and I walked to the bathroom and Haku pulled out a hair brush, elastics and hair pins. He put half up my hair into a bun at the top of my head, and the rest of my hair draped across my back. Haku then put his hair into a bun, leaving only his bangs free.

"We're going to go near the town, in order to hide your appearence you are going to borrow some of my clothes and pick a fake name." Haku explained, grabbing my arm and leading me to his room.

I sat on Haku's bed as he dug through his closet for clothing, we were roughly the same size so almost anything would fit me. He pulled out a dark blue yukata and blue ninja sandals, and tossed them over to me.

"My team certainly won't recognize me wearing something like this." I chuckled, looking at the yukata.

"Just be sure to hide your headband." Haku reminded. "And your wings and tail."

I took my headband off my neck and placed it to the side.

"I'll be right back." I said, taking the clothes to the nearest bathroom.

I took off my regular clothes and wrapped my tail around my torso, also pressing my wings against my back. I tied my headband around my waist before putting on the dark blue yukata and blue ninja sandals. Once I was changed, I headed back to Haku's room, ready to go.

"I can see why people think you're a girl." Haku chuckled.

"It isn't any different with you, you look a lot more like a girl then I do!" I retorted.

Haku simply chuckled as he grabbed two baskets, shoving one of them into my hands.

"Let's get going already." Haku said.

We left the base and started to make our way into the forest. We started looking around for the herbs we needed, Haku would describe the plant to me and I would use my farsightedness to look for it.

"I can't find the last herb..." Haku sighed.

"What's it look like?" I asked.

"It has red coloured leaves and a green coloured flower." Haku said.

"Be right back." I said.

I placed down my basket and took off the top half of my yukata stretching my wings, taking off from the ground. I flew above the forest floor and looked around for the plant. My eyes scanned all of the green bushes for the red plant.

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