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Looks like I'm buying another alarm clock. I really shouldn't have stayed up late following Naruto and dying my headband. Did that sound creepy? Whatever, I finally decided on dying my headband, I chose white, mostly because I wear to much black. My shirts are black, my pants are black, my glasses are black, even my gloves and belt are black. The only things that aren't black are my white katana sheath and my gray hoodie vest. 

I finally pulled myself out of bed, feeling around my night table for my glasses. Once I found them I placed them on my face, sighing in relief when I could see again. I dug clothes out of my closet and changed into them before stumbling sleepily to the bathroom and combing through my hair. I found an elastic and some bobby pins and put my hair into a bun, finding it more convinient. I flipped my hood over my head and headed towards the kitchen, planning on having a bowl of cereal for breakfast. I got the box out of the cabnet and pulled out a bowl, I poured the 'O' shaped cereal into the bowl before adding milk and getting a spoon. I slurped down my cereal and headed to the living room, grabbing my white headband and tying it around my neck. May as well protect my jugular, no one can hold me hostage and threaten to slash my neck if they have to take off my headband first.

I walked out my front door and locked it, slipping the key into my pocket. I made my way down the stairs before walking onto the main street and making my way to the Academy. To my surprise on the way there, I ran into Hinata.

"G-good morning Y-Yuuto." Hinata stuttered.

"Morning." I replied, keeping the nervousness out of my voice.

"Are y-you excited to s-see what team y-you'll be put on?" She asked nervously.

"As long as it isn't anyone too annoying." I answered, trying to keep the conversation going. "Oh look, we're here."

"Y-yes, let's head, t-to class." She agreed, walking shyly into the Academy.

We walked quietly into class and went our seperate ways to our seats, me releasing a nervous breath. I made my way over to Sasuke and sat down, noticing that Naruto hadn't arrived yet. Sasuke glanced at me but said nothing and turned away, intertwining his fingers and propping his elbows up on the desk. Suddenly the door swung open, only to reveal Ino and Sakura struggling to get into the class before the other.

"My toe is at least five centimeters in front of yours! I get to sit next to Sasuke!" Sakura yelled.

"In your dreams Forehead!" Ino retorted.

The two continued to bicker back and forth until I stood up suddenly, catching everyone's attention. I stomped over to the door and faced the girls, placing a hand on each of their shoulders and shoving them backwards lightly. They tumbled to the floor just outside of the room and both began yelling at me. I honestly didn't understand a word they said.

"Would you both shut up?" I asked. "I'm already sitting next to Sasuke and I'm not moving my lazy ass for either of you."

I stalked back to my desk and sank down into my seat. Naruto dashed passed the girls into the classroom and skipped up to our row of desks before sliding into the seat next to me. Eventually Ino and Sakura walked into the room, Sakura first and Ino after. They both glared at me, but walked past me and went to their seats. 

"Naruto? What are you doing here?" Shikamaru asked. "You're only suppossed to come if you passed."

"See this headband?" Naruto said, pointing to his forehead. "It means I passed!"

Suddenly Iruka-sensei walked into the room, holding a clip board to his chest. He turned to face his class before begining.

"Today you will all be divided into genin squads of three and one jonin." He began. "However, one team will have four genin instead of three because of the number of graduates. Please listen for your team."

Iruka started his announcing at team ten, which was made up of Ino, Shikamaru, and Choji. Team nine was created last year. Team eight was Shino, Kiba and Hinata, which was the team I wanted to be on, but makes sense I wasn't. And then there is team seven which is Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura and Yuuto.

Shit, that's me.

"Why does a ninja like me have to be with someone like Sasuke!" Naruto yelled, standing on his desk.

"The teams are created to balance skills, Sasuke had the best scores, but you Naruto, had the worst." Iruka replied, shaking his head.

"Then why is the crossdresser on our team too!" Sakura exclaimed.

"Hey!" I shouted, turning to look at her.

Iruka sighed and shook his head. "Sakura, you had the best test scores, but when it comes to taijutsu and ninjutsu Yuuto is much better." 

I turned to Sakura and smirked as she puffed her cheeks and sat down. I kind of knew my test scores weren't that good, but at least I'm good at taijutsu and ninjutsu, not to mention I'm pretty good with a sword.

"All of you can take a quick break for lunch, after lunch your sensei's will come and meet with you for introductions." Iruka said.

Everyone slowly filed out of the room and headed their seperate ways for lunch. I found that I had a little bit of money on me and decided to go get some dango. Because why not?

I left the Academy and head out to one of the best dango shops in the village. I had found the shop and walked in, heading to a small table in the corner. A woman came and took my order before disappearing behind the counter. She came back with my order and set down a plate of three dango sticks. I picked up the first and began munching on it happily, I think this one was green tea flavored.

"Hey kid!" A sudden female voice shouted.

I looked up from my plate to see a woman with purple hair, wearing a trench coat and revealing fishnets. I pointed to myself to make sure.

"Yes you!" She shouted.

She quickly rushed up to my table and sat across from me. Stealing a stick of my dango.

"Do you need something?" I asked, keeping the irritation from my voice.

"No, you just remind me of someone." She replied.

"Who do I remind you of?" I asked.

"An old teacher of mine." She replied. "Although now that I talk to you I can see that your personality is different."

"Are you going to replace my dango?" I asked.

"Nope! Thanks kid!" She yelled dashing out of the store.

I shook my head as the woman ran away, going back to eating what remained of my dango. The waitress came back and handed me my bill, I fished through my pocket and threw some on the table, telling her to keep the change. I quickly made my way back to the Academy, placing my hand on the door and sliding it open. As I walked in a chalk board eraser landed on my head.

"Naruto?" I growled, knowing that he was the one to do it.

"Oops?" He offered.

A head of silverish hair suddenly peaked through the doors.

"My first impression of you all. You're all idiots."

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