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As soon as Ibiki gave us permission to start we all flipped our test papers over and began reading the first question. I found it way too confusing and and skipped to the second question, but before I knew it I had already read all the questions. I spared a quick glance around the room and saw that most people were having the same confused look on their faces.

I looked a few rows ahead of me and saw that Haku had begun to cheat. He made a make-up compact out of ice and placed it on the table between him and the boy sitting next to him. Clearly Haku was using his girly looks to his advantage, and was pretending to check his make-up when he was really looking at the test answers that had been reflected in the ice. He put the compact of ice in his pocket and then wrote down the answers he had memorized.

I didn't risk looking back at Sai, and figured he had already figured something out.

I sighed once I realized I had no idea how I was going to pass this test. I was going to just try to solve the questions but I felt a tap on my thigh underneath the desk. I glanced to my right and saw that the white haired boy on my right had placed his broken glasses on the table in front of his test, making the answers reflect onto the glasses. I quickly copied the answers, figuring that this guy wanted me to cheat. After I copied all the answers I looked at the top left corner of his test where his name was written and had to hold in my look of surprise.

'Kabuto Yakushi.' The name read.

I'm not sure why I didn't recognize him sooner, but this was definitely Kabuto. The same Kabuto I know is working for Orochimaru. I started to freak out inside, if Kabuto's here, Orochimaru can't be far.

I calmed myself down and waited for the tenth question to be given out, resting my head on my desk.

"Alright listen up!" Ibiki shouted, making everyone's heads turn to him. "It's time for the tenth and final question! But before we begin, you all need to know that the tenth question has special rules."

The teams that were left groaned at the mention of more rules.

"The first rule is that the tenth question is optional and you can chose to take it." Ibiki explained. "If you take the question and get it wrong you and your team will never be allowed to take the chuunin exams again."

"But there are people here who've done the chuunin exams many times!" A female Suna ninja interrupted.

"I wasn't making the rules before, but now I am." Ibiki said. "If you don't take the question, you and your team are welcome to try again next time. If you would like to drop out please raise your hand, collect your teammates and leave."

Teams were dropping out left and right, making me slightly nervous. Haku and I made eye contact and he gave me a sweet smile, making me relax a bit. I turned around and looked at Sai, who also gave me a smile, but it was much more fake. I looked at Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura, hoping that they wouldn't drop out. Naruto's hand began to raise, but he soon slammed it down, making me sigh in releif.

"I'm not going to run away!" Naruto declared. "Even if I'm a genin my whole life, I'll still become Hokage!"

After Naruto's speach, no other teams dropped out, and Ibiki looked oddly satisfied.

"I just have one thing left to say to you all." Ibiki said. "Congratulations on passing the first part of the chuunin exams!"

Most people were still confused as to how we passed, so Ibiki explained, starting by taking off his headband.

"Gathering information is a important part of being a ninja. Sometimes the enemy will go as far as torture to get infomation." Ibiki explained, letting us all look at his horribly scarred head.

Just as Ibiki was putting his headband on the glass of the window shattered as a woman jumped into the room. She had purple hair and was wearing a trench coat and fishnets with a short skirt.

"I'm Anko Mitarashi, and I'm the proctor for the second part of the chuunin exams!" The woman exclaimed.

"You're early..." Ibiki sighed.

"Are you getting soft Ibiki? Don't worry by the time I'm done at least half of them will be eliminated." Anko said, her eyes scanning over us. "Oh, it's that kid!"

Anko had pointed at me, making my memory jog.

"Dango stealer." I said, loud enough she heard it.

"Tell you what, if you survive this next part of the exam I'll buy you all the dango you want!" Anko said, smirking.

"Deal." I agreed, having no idea what the next test would have in store.

"Great!" Anko exclaimed. "Everyone follow me!"

~10 minutes later~

"Welcome to training ground 44!" Anko exclaimed. "Also known as the forest of death!"

"Also know as the forest of death!" Naruto mocked, putting his hands on his hips.

Anko threw a kunai at Naruto and it just barely cut his cheek before flying past a Kusagakure ninja.

"Tough guys like you are the first ones to go." Anko said, her voice deathly calm.

Anko jumped back suddenly and held out another kunai, the Kusa ninja offered Anko her kunai using her tongue and smiled creepily.

"I was just returning your kunai miss." She hissed. "A piece of my hair got cut and once I saw blood, I got a little excited."

"Next time be careful, we wouldn't want anyone dying." Anko said before speaking to the rest of the crowd and handing out forms. "These forms need to be signed by all of you, the forms say that we can't be blamed for any deaths that happen. Once you sign your form you will go to that booth and trade your teams forms for either a heaven or earth scroll. You will have five days to get one of each scroll and make it to the tower in the center. You will be disqualified if you don't make it to the tower in five days, if you don't have both scrolls, or if you're missing a teammate."

Everyone went silent as the depth of the situation began to sink in. We could actually die in that forest. No way in hell am I dying though! I have plans! I have to kidnap Tora, get into a relationship with someone, and become the best! 

I looked side to side at Haku and Sai, noticing that neither of them seemed the slightest bit scared, only determined. Haku gave me a sweet smile, making me feel a little more determined than before.

"Now, hand in your-" Anko stopped once she noticed three Academy students. "Hey! You kids can't be here!"

"We're here on behalf of the Academy newspaper!" A boy with brown hair and a long blue scarf said.

"Oh yeah, I remeber something about this being mentioned..." Anko trailed off. "Ten minute break everyone! Please be respectful to the Academy reporters!"

The boy went over to Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura and started talking to them, his two friends by his side. Naruto suddenly pointed at me and the orange haired girl scurried over to me.

"Are you Yuuto Tatasumi?" The girl asked.

"That's me." I replied. "What's up?"

"Come with me." She said, grabbing my arm.

Before I could reply the little girl dragged me off.

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