Chapter 14

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Immediately I roll up and gasp for air. Jason?!

"Prince!" shouts Andrew, who is still in his human form.

"Andrew, your ability, how well can you retain your memory?"

"What do you wish for me to know?" 

We rush downstairs and find Jason and Alexis in their werewolf forms, back to back. They're surrounded in a cyclone of blood red wind and an eerie laugh... As the cyclone spins faster and faster, Jason and Alexis slowly fall to their knees. No!

My instincts tell me to look up, and there he is... Aden... He's still in his wolf form... but... now... he has wings... Long, dark, anti-angelic wings. And fangs... Not the canine teeth. Fangs. Stretching from the roof of his mouth to beneath his chin. His eyes... Once orange, now a devilish red... A demon has spawned...

Jason and Alexis pass out and fall to the ground, their bodies slowly reverting back to their human forms.

I open the door and scream for the devil "LOATHE!"

The demon wolf turns and stares me down. That's a mistake...

I'm inclined to continue the staring contest that would ultimately bring the demon under my control... but I can't... not while Aden is the vessel.

"Loathe! Leave the body of Aden now, or else!"

"Don't you get it you petty princess?!" said a distorted voice that sounded like multiple demons speaking at once, much like how a bionic being would change their voice to intimidate. "Aden here allowed me to take over his body! His hatred towards you and that filthy wolf fueled his rage. I simply allowed him to take those emotions to the next level."

"Is that so...?"

"For killing his parents, I will help this young adult to annihilate the new Prime Duo..." Prime Duo?

You and Jason are the Prime Duo.

"So... you're saying that Aden is furious that his parents died? In vain?"

"More or less... Now shut up!" the demon opened its mouth to allow greater control over the fangs that grew yards by the second. The teeth are stretching to suck the life out of Jason...

"Andrew! Now!" I command. Right away, Andrew holds my shoulders and chants a spell. He closes his eyes while mine shine brightly in flashing colors.

The demon was blinded by the lights and plummeted to the ground. Before Aden could rise back up, my eyes were able to find the lurking spirits that I need to take over my body. Perfect... Spirits! Take over my body! Say what you must to stop Aden from losing himself!

"Andy Dennison, stop this instant!" I shouted from my mouth in a voice and mind that belonged to someone else. His name is Andy...?

"Only..." the demonic bionic voice persists. "Only one person has ever known to call me that... Mom?"

"Andy! You've gone berserk! You've allowed this fiend to take over your mind so easily?! What the heck?!"

"Mom..." From the raging red eyes, I could see a sign of whimpering. I could see Loathe's aura trying to leave Aden's body, but he's trapped in the vessel...

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