Chapter 36

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"Hey, Jason?" I asked.

Melinda left and took down the barrier that prevented Griffon from hearing our conversation. All of a sudden, he was asking a million questions of our sudden disappearance. I'm pretty sure he's pampering Melinda as we speak...

"Yeah?" he looked at me right in the eyes. Thank you...

"How come you're so worried about transforming into a wolf when the moon is full?"

"It's not that I'm worried. I know it'll happen. It's always happened."

"Earlier you seemed kind of uneasy about the idea of having the moon out for so long. Is there... anything bothering you...?"

Nothing but silence from him. He averted his eyes and stared at the table. I waited and waited for him to say something. I even tried reading his mind, but he had a completely blank slate... or, rather, a slate that's scribbled with tons of chicken scratches and covered with an ink spill... His thoughts are all jumbled up... just like his handwriting...

"Jason...?" I held out for him to hold my hand, which he did without looking at me. He held my hand firmly and with his other hand hugged the hand.

"Danny... You know I'm a werewolf, right?"

HAHAHAHA, what?! Of course I know! Okay, wait. Slapping myself a thousand times. He sounds dead serious and on the verge of tears...

"And... you're not..." his voice trailed off.

"Yeah...?" I already don't like where this might be going. I can feel my hand shaking uncontrollably... wait... that's not mine... Disappointment. Self-abhorrence. Worthlessness... All of these I can feel through his palms... but... why...?

"Danny... I..." His body temperature is fluctuating... on his face specifically... tears...

"Jason...? You can talk to me..."

His sniffled his nose and wiped his tears on his shoulders, even though more would continue to leak through.

"Danny... I'm no human... I'm... I'm a monster..."

Okay, I want to slap this guy... he's no "monster." He's my hero... how dare he depreciate himself like that...

"Jason! You are not a monster! You are... you're my hero! Heroes are no monsters."

"I'm still no human... and... I hate that... I hate that I can't be a human for you..."

"Jason, what are you saying?"

"I hate that I can't be a full human... someone that you can walk around proudly with and-"

"You don't think I'm proud of you?! We can go to the mall right now, and I will kiss you in the cafeteria where it's always jam packed!" I shouted angrily. I hate seeing him so down... Yes, I know he needs support, but he doesn't deserve to feel so defeated! He deserves to be happy! Joyful! Prideful! Like the Jason I know and love...

I could tell that broke a giggle from him, but he continued, "Danny... don't you ever wish that you were staying with full-blooded humans instead of half-blooded wolves?"

"That depends. Any half-blooded wolves and any full-blooded humans?"

"I guess..."

"Well... in that case... I would rather be with you wolves than anyone else... No other wolf tribe or humans could make me want to leave you guys, especially you, Jason..."

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