Chapter 33

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"What?!" Jason shouted in surprise. Ouch... Immediately he rubbed my ears and started mumbling all sorts of insults at himself for being inconsiderate while I stood there and smiled laughing at his extremely gentleman-like conduct.

"Wait... Griffon... my eyesight... will come back...?"

Your powers were born from the energy of the moon and can only become greater when it's present. Your powers cannot activate without your vision, of course. Not accurately anyways.

"So... does that mean I can still use my power to protect these guys?"

Yes... though, it would certainly be risky...

"How long until my eyesight returns?"

I... I don't know... for however long the moon needs to be full in order for you to regain your vision... could be days... months... maybe...

"Don't you dare say years..."

We just don't know...

"...Is there anything we can do to speed up the process...?"

Well... Perhaps... There... there is someone who could assist you...

"Who is it?!"

Her name is Melinda... and... you know her...

I know her? Who the heck is she?

She is somewhere in your school...

"In our school?" Jason questioned.

Yes... She's taken the form of someone who is in your school... you will have to find her... for she is a specialist when it comes to healing magics... she's fixed the eyesights of generations upon generations of Ocular Power Princesses. I doubt that fixing that of an Ocular Power Prince would serve to be any different of a challenge.

"But... how the heck am I supposed to get to her like this?"

That's why you are going to stay at home while Jason goes out to find her.

"Um... no," replied Jason.


"I... I promised Danny that I wouldn't leave his side until his vision gets better... better yet, I'm not leaving his side again, ever."

Well... don't you wish for him to see again?

"I do..."

Then you need to hunt for this person while Danny gets some rest... I'll have one of the Betas look after Danny.

"No! The last time I left him alone with one of them he ended up being beaten!"

Jason. Listen to me. Andy is no longer the person he once was. The power that was passed from his parents? That power from the Prime Alpha? That passed from his parents, and he inherited that... If you meet him now... you shall notice the difference...

"Difference, my foot! I'm not letting anyone else touch my pup!" I'm pretty sure the word he was looking for is 'babe.' Or, at least I hope...


"Jason," I interrupted. "It's okay... You don't need to go anywhere..."

Wha- but princess.

"I sacrificed my eyesight, Griffon... I didn't simply give it up to have it returned to me so easily... I would never put you guys through something like that..."

Danny, restoring one's sight is not an easy task by any means! And... I hate to say this, but you do need to get your vision back so that you're at optimal power! You must develop your abilities! Don't forget that you still have yet to help out the rest of the Betas and Alphas that reside in this world! I fear that having your eyesight would be the only indicator of your abilities... else, you will have nobody obeying you...

"Griffon, I don't want people to 'obey' me."

Well, they won't 'listen' to you either, prince. If they see the Prime Omega with you, they may certainly be fearful and attempt to obliterate you on the spot for accompanying him...

"But... isn't Jason technically the new Prime Alpha?"

For that to be so, you need to get that acceptance from everyone else. That's how it's always been for the Prime Omega.

Okay... but, how is Jason supposed to know who Melinda is?

He's a werewolf. If hasn't learned to detect sources of power by now, then I don't understand how he is the Prime Omega.

"Um, ouch?" replied Jason. "Fortunately, I do."

Good, then I see no reason to have to come down there and strip you of your title.


Oh, relax. I simply jest.

"Danny... tomorrow, I'll find her... I'll find her and bring her here to you..."

"Thank you, Jason...

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