Chapter 37

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"Hey, Danny... Mind if I join ya?"

I just came outside because the sun was about to set. Jason went out to pick up Andrew and Alexis.

Aden... er... Andy... wants to talk now. This is the first time I'm alone with him since that night stroll... He supposedly is no longer like that evil self that the Prime Alpha took over... He's supposedly much more different... I'll see about that...

"Sure..." I gestured for him to sit in the lounge chair next to me.

I hear him sit down on the... I don't know how to describe the texture. It's sort of like rough, stretched out cloth.

"How are you feeling?" he asked me.

"I'm feeling fine. Kinda bummed I have to stay outside, ya know?"

"You know... we can make a sunroof in your room... that way the moon will still shine on you in the comfort of your own bed."

"Really?" That might actually be a great idea! Then I could rest in the comfort of Jason's bed! Wait... No... I'm not going to make these guys do that sort of dirty work. "I appreciate the offer, but I would never do that to you guys."

"I mean, we created the house in less a day's worth time. I doubt creating an opening in the roof would be that much work."

"It's the principle, Andy. Why would I force you guys to do something so generous?"

"Um... for the sake of being generous?"

"Okay, that came out wrong... I would greatly appreciate it, but the last thing I want to do is make you feel as though you're slaves in your own home." Of course that had to come out of my mouth...

"Slaves?" Please don't explode on me...

"Sorry, that- never mind... you can go..."


"I'm not really helping this conversation any, and I don't want to say anything else stupid. So, you can go ahead before I say something else to hurt your feelings..."

"Hurt my feelings? Are you talking about... oh..."


We still have to talk about the root of his anger that allowed the Prime Alpha to completely take over him. It was the fact that I betrayed his feelings...

"Danny... I... I want to talk about... about when you and I first met..."

First met? "What do you mean?"

"When you and I first met, it was on a goddamn chatroom." He can say that again.

"Heh, yeah, funny how I managed to meet someone like you in such a disgusting place."

"I know, right? But, Danny... I want you to know... that... I was still corrupt by the Prime Alpha's power when we first met..."

"Wait... you were...?"

"I was... I mean, the whole me falling for you, that was all me. The whole exploding at you over email was partially me... but... it was more fueled by my anger. In fact, I smashed my computer as soon as I sent that horrible message to you. I never meant to call you a con artist, dude... And for that, I would like to say that I'm sorry..." Wow... I didn't think I'd get an apology for him calling me that...

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