Chapter 43

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"Hey, babe... you okay?" Jason asked after he laid me back down on my bed. While climbing the stairs, I just stopped midway and lay on the steps, trying to deal with my merciless migraine. Funny how things stop stressing you out when you direct your attention on something (or someone, I should say) so much worth dreaming- er, thinking about...

"Yeah," I chuckle lightly. "I'm just so done with today." I reply pulling the blanket over my head.

I felt a body slide underneath the covers with me. Normally I'd embrace it, but he's making the space under the blanket too hot with his breath all over my face. So, I wrapped myself up like a cocoon and stole all the blankets for myself... or at least I tried to... I can't wrap myself when there's a giant muscle boy weighting down the covers! Geez! Forget paperweights. I need a blanketweight...

"Hey, let me hold you," he said throwing the blankets on the floor... ugh... I don't like that... I'm too lazy to pick them up... If Jason wants to hold me, then he ain't leaving this room until I say so. He's my blanket right now.

I wrap my arms around his wide bust and just barely hold my hands together across his broad back.

"There," I say. "You happy?"

"Almost," he says rubbing his nose against my eyes. He's getting my eyelashes stuck in my eyeballs... while also getting some of his snot on my eyelids... You think it'd be gross, but anything that I can wipe off is not really disgusting for me. Trust me. You need to learn to think like that when you live with a boy who is almost as filthy as he is hot. "Hey..." he says in response to my thoughts. For the love of Stanley, stop reading my thoughts!

"Sorry," I replied ingenuously. "But you threw my blankets on the floor and are taking up more than half the bed."

"Would you rather I leave you alone then...?" he says as he untangles his hands from my waist.

No... no, that's not what I mean... I... you know what? Forget it. Just... please don't go...

"Danny?" he whispers into my ear. "Do you wanna talk?"

"Not really..." I say.

"Do you need to talk?" he asks.

"Well..." Who am I kidding? "Yeah..."

"Do you not want to leave this school?"

"It's not that... And you know better than anyone how much I hate this school."

"I can attest to that."

"I just... I've gone a good chunk of my life having control of what happens... I've been on my own for a while. I've been able to earn respect from those who hate me. And I've been able to enjoy myself around you guys. But... when I discovered that I have a destiny to fulfill, I suddenly felt like I had lost all control over my life. Like I have to do what someone else is telling me to do. Like I have standards set so high that I can't even tell where the bar is. Believe me when I say that being with you is my favorite thing to do in the entire world. But... I don't know... was you coming to me out of my control...? Was that something that I had to listen to destiny about...? Was it-"

"Sshhhh...." Jason whispers, planting a soft, dry press against my lips to calm my nerves... Usually the butterflies in my stomach flutter even faster because being kissed by Jason excites me. But right now, those butterflies are landing and settling.... How can one thing stimulate both an arousing and yet also elicit a calming effect...? "Danny... if it were up to you, would you choose to still be with me?" his pupils dilate, causing the black in his eyes to widen and his hazel iris to become a mere lining that brings out the shine in his puppy eyes...

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