Chapter 28

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Ah... the fishy smell of microwaved salmon... it's pretty much all I know how to make... I don't know how to grill a turkey or a chicken, something these guys claim werewolves are into.

Alexis is popping out fish and rabbit meat by the second. Apparently her body has adapted to producing billions and billions of cells at a much faster rate without allowing the tips of her chromosomes (the telomeres) from shrinking any faster, hence allowing her to slow down her aging process... Wait...

"Slow down your aging? What about-"

"I'm also able to speed up my aging, and if I have an immense amount of energy, reverse my aging. It comes with the ability to conjure up materials out of my body. If I wish to have this power, then I need to constantly be using it whenever I can, even if it's just to produce sweat."

"Oh..." Should I ask? "How old are you?"

Alexis winked at me and said, "Never ask a woman to reveal her age."

"So... you're a high schooler who is at least 18, is what I'm hearing."

"I'll let you figure that out."

"Eh, sometimes it's best to stay curious..."

"You know that's not true."

"...I don't know what to say now." And she just laughs while pulling out a piece of rabbit from her bra.

I can't seriously be the only one gawking at that piece of rabbit that just came out of someone's underwear...

If it came out of Jason's, what would-


Jason turned around and smirked. Ugh! That jerk! 

"Hey, guys, has anyone seen Aden?" Andrew asked.

"Doesn't he have a swim meet?" asked Alexis, flaming the fish.

"He does... but, it's a little late, don't you think?"

Just then the front door slammed open and shut, booming in the hallway like a strike of thunder just struck a boulder down off a cliff. Yep, that's Andy.

He walked into the kitchen, and nobody said a word to him... strange... So, I tried to break the ice.

"Hey... Andy, how was the swim meet?"

"Fine. Beat them all, as usual."

"Nice... how was the rest of your day?"

"Fine," he said, running upstairs not even coming into the kitchen to say hi. Yeah, something's on his mind...

I knocked on Andy's door before entering,, and I found him texting on his phone in his... GAH! I slammed the door shut!

"SORRY!" I shouted behind the door.

"You can come in, you know," said Andy, as though I didn't just see him in his... never mind... I hesitated to open the door but turned the doorknob quickly because I didn't want to waste his time if he was busy. "What do you want?"

"I wanted to see how you were doing..." I said while keeping my eyes on his forehead. Just his forehead...

"I told you I'm fine," he said, not looking up at my face.

"Andy... you know you can talk to me if you need anything, right?"

"Go to my ex who lives with me if I'm having emotional problems? Got it."

"I knew it..." I whispered under my breath.

"What was that?" he looked up, a little irritated as though I just insulted him.

"Nothing. I just... I figured things would still be like this."

"What are you talking about?" he said, throwing the phone to the side and standing up... WHY?! PUT ON SOME CLOTHES!

I took a deep breath before continuing. "Andy, things seemed to work out well since we lasted spoke. Too well. What the heck is going on?"

"You really wanna know what's going on?"

"Yeah, I do."


"...I'm waiting."

"It's... nothing..." he finally calms down. "You can go. Sorry to waste your time." I think I've dug deep enough...

"Okay..." I just stood there awkwardly, and he's staring back... not even thinking to put on some pants! Geez! "Dinner's ready."

"Thanks, but... I'm not really that hungry."

"A man who just finished swimming competitively and burned off, Griffon knows, how many calories? And you're not the slightest bit hungry?"

I got Andy to crack a smile, but it was obviously forced.

"I'msorry, Andy... I'll leave you being, but, if you change your mind, I'll leaveyour dish in the fridge, if you decide to have a midnight snack or take it forlunch tomorrow." Andy nodded his head as I walked out the door. Just as I exited,he finally started clothing himself...

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