PART 2 - Author's Note

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Hello, fellow reader! If you are reading this, then you are most definitely a dedicated reader of Lone, so for that I want to thank you a bajillion times!!

If you read Lone before this part came out, welcome back! I hope that this new journey will have been worth the wait!

If you are reading this story and Part 2 is already up, then may you continue to enjoy the story nonetheless!

I would like to provide a quick summary of character descriptions if you are confused or would like a refresher. I feel that the best way to do this would be to allow the characters to speak for themselves. 

Danny: What's up, everyone?! I'm Danny, and I started off as the lonely and depressed loser who didn't have a group of friends he could turn to. So, I've suffered loneliness for a pretty good chunk of my life. Then I discovered that I have these ocular powers and am some sort of Ocular Power Prince...? My job is to work side by side with my boofie, Jason, and strive to help all the werewolves in the world... so I've been told by Griffon... Don't know how that happened, but I have the power to heal my friends and help combat enemies. I've got a medium slim fit build, black hair, average height, cute face (so I've been told), and an eye for cute things (I'm looking at you, reader ;) ). 

Jason: Ain't he adorable... ^_^  What up, players?! It's ya boi, Jason! Is that how they say it...? Turn it down? Okay... Ahem... I'm Jason, and I'm the Prime Omega... I was unfortunate enough to be born to the Prime Alphas, the leaders who are above all werewolves and direct all hate and suppression towards the Prime Omega... Fortunately, Danny and I managed to kill the Prime Alphas (yes, they were my parents, but they were murderous and abusive...) and managed to find love upon the hill under the moonlight when I was a werewolf. Now I'm a leader of our pack full of Betas and also the man of the house that the Betas were nice enough to build for us after they lost their families... We all live together in one house, which allows me to be with my pup every day... ^_^ Oh, physical description? Um... I'll just read what Danny has written for me... Let's see... "tall, light-skinned, brown-haired, unbelievably buff yet slim, super brave, super protective, super comforting, super hot, super sexy, super-"

Griffon: That's enough of your self-gratifying comments... Greetings, reader. My name is Griffon, demigod of werewolves. Perhaps it is easier if you hear me in your thoughts like this, as you will continue to see in the story. Any italics (I believe that's what they are called) that do not belong with any of the other characters' thoughts or words will be me speaking. I am here to guide the Prime Duo (comprised of the Prime Omega and the Ocular Power Prince) and watch over all in this dimension. If you have any questions about my job or the Prime Duo's missions, ask whenever you please. 

Alexis: Hey, guys! Alexis here! I'm one of the three Betas. I'm a basketball player with very dark skin and straight, black hair. I've been told by Danny that I am a very beautiful woman (and he probably called me thicc with a bajillion c's). I'm pretty toned for a human being and have the ability to transform my cells into materials for any objects. I provided the materials with my own body to build this house. 

Andrew: H-hi, everyone... M-my name is Andrew... Ahem... I'm also one of the Betas, though one of the scrawnier ones... My ability is that I can know everything that there is to know about a certain topic for up to an hour... I was the only one who knew anything about house-building for that time. Right after we finished, I forgot everything... I'm pale-skinned and slim but rather skinny (I'm pretty boney for a werewolf), and I have short black hair. 

Andy: Hey there, guys and gals! I'm Andy, or some of you may know me originally as Aden. I'm the third Beta who has the ability to transform any water I consume into any substance I please. That would come in handy for gluing the house together and providing ourselves with fuel to power the house. I'm a ginger who is an avid swimmer, so I do have a body that reflects that practice. In fact, all my sweatshirts are tight on my body and my jeans often constrict my large calves... If you didn't notice before, Danny and I had a bit of a history before we came to live together in this house... He's with Jason now, and we're a pack... So, we're going to make things work...

The story will continue to be told through Danny.

With all of that said, I would like to remind and encourage you to leave as many comments as you want! The more comments you leave, the more you get to interact with the characters themselves. If you have a particular question for any character that shows up, don't hesitate to ask! Your question will definitely be answered by them!

Without further ado, enjoy the awaited creation of Lone Part 2!

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