Chapter 15

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You know those days when you want nothing more than to sleep in bed for the rest of your life? Yeah, I want to be knocked out for probably the next many generations of whatever lives I end up living next. Make me a sloth! They don't have to move so much, and they sleep most of the time!

Alas... beams of light managed to crack through my eyelids and awaken me... What time is it...?

Crap! What time is it, actually?! It's Friday! Why couldn't it have been Saturday... Wait, my homework! I didn't do anything!

"Gah!" I scream. I jump off of Jason's bed- Wait... Jason's bed? Am I still at the house?! Crap, I am... Whatever! I need to go!

Nobody was at the house. Fortunately I still had my blue flannel and black khakis I was wearing from yesterday... Hopefully nobody notices... Aw, screw it.

I'm currently in math class. Today was just a test day, which I felt somewhat prepared for. I managed to complete the test faster than everyone else, which gave me time to start working on my homework.

"Hey, Sarah," I heard Damien behind me... again, it's not the fact that he's super gay that bothers me... he's just so... loud! And extra! Flamboyant to say the least! Touching girls' breasts like a joke and twerking during his choir rehearsal to a sad song? Ugh! I don't understand how people like that manage to become teachers' favorites!

Oh, wait, it's because in front of teachers he acts like the nice kid... Yeah, okay... a kid with his own porn channel who talks about sucking the swim team's sausages manages to become the sweetest teacher's pet... Yeah, okay... What the heck is he talking about now?

"Sarah, you know that crazy fucking hot guy Jason who's a grade below us, right?" And they're talking about Jason again... Except... this time I care... I shouldn't be listening.

"Damien," said that nasty brat Sarah. Brown hair, "flawless" face, hideous voice, and just so immaturely evil. "who doesn't know the most popular hottie in school?"

"Well... I heard from someone that Jason is so generous." Generous? Besides helping people with their homework, I can't say I can see why Damien would be calling him generous.

Sarah gasped. "No! I heard the same thing!" Wow... Someone is generous. GASP! THE RUMORS ARE TRUE! Pfft, I honestly want to laugh at how stupid they sound.

"So it's true!" Called it. "Jason is being so nice as to help out a super unpopular person! But why?! I heard it's a guy, so I doubt it's a crush." Super unpopular person? Yeah, that's me...

"But, Damien, you're missing something... This morning, Jason came in, and he was wearing a rainbow-patterned t-shirt!" A rainbow-patterned t-shirt? Wait... that's from a package that came to my house... Did Jason order that?

"Rainbow?!" he scream-whispered in his super high-pitched helium-filled voice. "So... is he gay?! If he is, this is my chance!"

"That's another thing, though, Damien... everyone in the morning was crowding around him and asking what's up with his shirt. His response was 'it's a special order that my special someone was nice enough to receive and gift to me.'" Gift? Wait... he can't mean-

"He's taken?! Who is it?!"

"People think it's the same lame-o that he's been said to be so generous to. They were getting awfully close during their study hall..."

"Well, who was it?!"

"Nobody knows... They say that whoever it is was wearing Jason's sweatshirt with the hoodie up." No... As I hyperventilate, I know they're talking about me... I tighten my grip on my backpack where the fluffy midnight purple sweatshirt of Jason's resides... "Gah, there was also a rumor that they left together in the middle of school! While they walked to the parking lot, they were apparently arm-in-arm!" Actually, it was more of me falling onto Jason while he propped me up, but same difference I guess. Same difference....

Damien gasps. "Do you think they had sex...?" Is that seriously all that goes through this guy's mind?!

"I honestly want to know who this person he's seeing is... They must be crazy good-looking."

"Or they must have a huge... you know...?" I wish Damien would shut his face hole. My face is literally on fire now. I so badly want to turn around and tell him to get his mind out of the gutter because the more I listen to this the more I want to punch this guy in the face! Or better yet, send him into oblivion with my eyesight!!

"That must be it! Either that or Jason just must be that nice! Go figures!"

So... I'm a little confused... in every movie and book I've read, people coming out doesn't always result in more popularity. Is that what happened here?

"Gah!" scream-whispered Damien again.... Ew... it honestly sounds like he just had an orgasm... "I'm going to make my move on him after school. Jason deserves a guy who knows how to handle other guys." Pfft, as if you would know?

The bell's about to ring. I can't focus any more on that conversation.

Ow! Something sharp flew into the back of my neck! A pen? This is... ugh, this is Damien's "lucky" pen... Rumor has it that this pen is how he's managed to get laid... I stare at it on the ground without moving my head. Fortunately when it comes to flinching, I hardly ever do... well, when it's something as trivial as a knife hitting me in the back of the head, yeah, best of luck trying to get me to stop staring at the bull's-eye.

I hear Damien stand up to walk over to me to pick it up from underneath my foot....

SNAP! goes the lucky pen as I smile inside my head that appears even more brightly on my face.

I lift my foot up and dramatically gasp as they do when I "realize" that I had just crushed the "bang me" pen. Well, I banged it up all right.

"My pen! My sex pen!" yells Damien out loud. What did I just touch...

"Damien! People are still taking a test!" admonishes the teacher. Oh boy oh boy. First crushing his memories and then tarnishing his reputation with teachers? You know? I think I'm satisfied now...

Still, my stomach and chest are in knots. Not from the whole disaster that happened yesterday, but... Jason... are he and I... a thing? Just now I heard a swim jock who is a very stereotypical portrayal of gays planning on getting Jason into his pants... I don't even know Jason that well, and it's not like I need to be Jason's boyfriend. He can have sex with whomever he wants...

But... that kiss... on top of the mountain... underneath the moonlight... while I healed us... him physically... me spiritually.... Both of us... emotionally... not just healed. I elevated us to the next greatest feeling of comfort and capability... It was one kiss, though. My first and very well my last one...

Anyways... time to continue with my math homework... Let's see... take the derivative of the function.... Equal that to zero... find those x's... take another derivative... equal that to zero... those x's... inflection points... put this number into the-

BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP. There's the bell... Time to get out of here...

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