Chapter 25

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Thank goodness for Andrew's showerhead pressure and heat settings... All you need are a few seconds, and all the tension in your back is instantly relieved... The water becomes your wet massage chair-

"Hey, Danny!" Jason knocks on the bathroom door. "When you say water becomes your wet chair," wet massage chair... "Does that mean that water is wet?" Why does he have to listen to me think while I'm trying to- never mind...

"Ugh," I scoffed. "Yes! Water is wet because water is covered with water!"

What was I saying? Oh yeah... the water becomes your wet massage chair as you're sitting in a steaming sauna...

The entire weekend I was at my house packing up some of my belongings to take to the house the Betas built. Since I'm going to be here quite often, I might as well move my belongings here so that I have access to my stuff while interacting with the wolves.

Quite honestly, though, I can't say that I even see them as "wolves..." Not that werewolves aren't real wolves!

I expected to be more intimidated by living with humans who aren't your typical homo sapiens. Even after all that's happened at that house, I see each of the Betas and Jason as... well... I see them as Alexis (a woman who goes beyond kindness and humor as well as beauty and strength, perhaps sometimes a bit too much haha), Andrew (a rather scrawny yet very brainy and cute-looking boy who's shy and has always had my back), Aden/Andy (a short-tempered hothead who has a fortified body but has yet to fortify his steadfastness but is showing that he wants to become a better person on his own), and Jason... A blunt, powerful, empathetic, hilariously frustrating, attractive, lively spirit who would put his life on the line for others' sakes... he's a leader who knows how to take the reins in the middle of a fight and launch an attack...

I've never seen any of them as wolves. I haven't seen any of them as people either... I just see them as... as them...

I'm getting ahead of myself. Sorry for the shower thoughts...

I pulled into a student parking spot and put the new big black car into park. Every time I turn off the ignition, I'm reminded of the empty compartments in the back. The freezer would definitely be handy for shakes and food and medicines and stuff... as for the weapon slot...? I don't currently own any material weapons, apart from my eyeballs (not quite ready to take them off of me). I'm sure Jason doesn't have any handheld weapons either... right?

"Hey, Jason?" I pull the recliner lever to lift his seat up, and shake him up like a soda can ready to POP! That's what he gets for not doing his homework... I would have finished them for him, but I'm becoming more tired of doing double, for classes I don't even take! "Jason, come on!"

"I'm awake..." he groans and finger-combs his short hair pointlessly.

"You don't happen to carry any weapons that we could keep in this car, would you?"

"Why do you ask?" I nodded behind my seat at the compartments. "No, no weapons. My only weapon is my body," he claims confidently as he flexes his arms, pumping his balloon biceps that never stop filling with turkey.

"Alright, macho man, get your stuff together. We have another day of torture to start..."

"Eh... The bell doesn't ring for 15 minutes... Can't we stay here, and..." he reclines his seat and tugs on my wrist.

"As... exciting... (is that an appropriate word to use?) that would be..." I slipped my wrist from his grasp. "We're going inside. Come on."

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