Chapter 34

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Who the heck could be at this house in the middle of the day...? Can't be Jason... He's still at school, as well as the rest of the Betas are... er, Prime Betas... You know what? Just my pack. My entire pack is at school, and nobody should really be visiting this house that was just built out of nowhere... uh oh.... Maybe it's the police... maybe they've discovered that this house has suddenly appeared out of nowhere are here to take the wolves away from me.... But... now...? Why now...? Time... what time is it...


It's 1 the afternoon. Would you mind letting me in?

Letting you in?

I'm here to take care of you.

Griffon, you don't have to do that... (Thank goodness it's only him...) Besides, if you managed to come down here, how come you can't teleport into this room?

I'm still recovering. The best I could do was teleport somewhere in this town as a human and come find your house.

Ugh... hold on...

Be careful...

Griffon... I can do this...

Push myself up on my feet. Step left foot over Jason's sweatpants, step right foot over his t-shirt, step right foot again to get over his pair of underpants he left.... Nope, never mind, I was supposed to hop... And why is one of them wet with what feels an awful lot like-


Coming! Okay... open door... feel across the wall till I hit the third door on the left... Reach towards my right to have a grip on the handrail that we don't have... *sigh* Sit down on the first step and slide butt down the rest of the stairs! Weeee! How I love bumping my butt and dislocating my tailbone!

Stand up, reach to my left for the door handle, undo top chain, unlock upper middle lock, middle lock, and lower middle lock, and turn the lower lock... Open door knob...


"At your service," I heard a much more attractive baritone voice instead of- "You do know I can still read your thoughts when I look at your eyes, right?" And closing them.

"Griffon... you really didn't have to come..."

"Of course I did! Princess, I have some ideas of how we can use this blindness of yours to our advantage!"

"Say what?"

"Think about it. A werewolf's senses are incredibly beyond those than that of almost any other creature. As a member of the Prime Duo, we have to catch you up!"

"Catch me up? But I'm not a werewolf, Griffon."

"No... but you have lost your sense of sight... Tell me, what did I pack in my back left pocket?"

"I don't smell anything..."

"What about my back right pocket?"

"Griffon... I swear that you aren't even wearing pants..."

"Exactly! Wow, your senses are much sharper than I thought!"

"Griffon! Put on some pants!"

"Wolves don't wear pants, prince? So why should I?"

"Because that's just inappropriate! What if someone sees you?! They see you, and they see me. They will think you are some sort of-"

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