Chapter 30

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Dinner was ready, and I finished up the rest of my work for the night as fast as I could. Andy said he would talk with me late at night. Understandable since he needs to get his own work done and such.

"Ready to head out?" he asked, grabbing his jacket and opening the door for me.

"Sure...?" Is it that bad that he can't talk to me inside the house? "Where are we going?"

"Just on a stroll that I go on every night... Come on."

We walked for about a mile before either of us said anything. Where do I start? Tell him that the leader told me of the problem he has with me? That I don't like that he's keeping away from everyone else? That I'm still questioning the truth in his words when he said that everything between us is "okay?"


"Hm?" he said, looking in my direction. I glance at him to let him know that I'm continuing.

"What... what's going on?" I ask hesitantly.

"What do you mean?" he asks directly.

"You've been really distant, Aden... really distant... And, I'd like to know why..."

"Hmph, you want to know why I am being so distant? Let me guess. You probably also want to know what I'm keeping from you, right?"

"No! It's not- I mean, unless there is something you're keeping from me, then-"

"Right. Right. Yeah, I'm definitely keeping stuff from you. That's so right! It's sooo not the other way around!"

"What are you talking about?!"

"Don't think I didn't hear your conversation with Jason! I know what I am to you! A mistake! Someone you just found because you were lonely!" Crap, he heard all that...

"Andy, I-"

"Save it! After this, it won't even matter..." His voice suddenly got so much deeper than it already is... I could hear a bit of a demon's twist as he speaks. "I've had just about enough being the Beta... I'm taking you down, Danny... right after I take care of the Prime Omega..."

"Andy... you're... you're scaring me..."

All of a sudden, a bright light shines from above us in the once clouded sky... the moon... a full moon... no... please, no...

Andy fell onto all fours and faced me with his teeth bared as a regular boy, yet his canines seemed ready to bite off each and every one of my fingers.

His ears pointed up sharply towards the sky, and his mouth grew into a snout trying to reach me simply by growing. His black nose huffed and puffed in my face as I stood there paralyzed with fear from the big bad wolf ready to tear this little piggy to shreds... This can't be Andy... it just can't be...

The nails on his hands immediately sharpened into claws longer than my head... the muscles in his hind legs curved into position as though ready to spring upon me while the bones in his front legs strengthened in order to crack the cement beneath our feet. His spine elongated, allowing him to reach beyond his normal grasp and stand over me while his devil red eyes merely glanced into my soul before looking away to finish talking.

"Here's what's going to happen, Ocular Power Prince..." he starts to circle around me, forcing me to stand still... If I could just look at him, I could have the advantage, but he knows to stay out of my sight... if I try to turn around, all he has to do is hold his paw near my neck, and I'll end up cutting my own head off.

Lone (BxB)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें