Chapter 23

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One second I'm dreaming of Jason doing... well, I'll keep that to myself. The next second I wake up to his body pancaked on top of mine! How do you even roll that perfectly?! Hehehe... Pancake... Jason was making pancakes in my dream, wearing nothing but a- Pancake! This boy is on me. My body is burning up from being under him while my face is on fire because... well, Jason is on me... hehehe... pancakes...

Argh! How badly I want to shove him off to catch my breath! Currently my breath is circulating between Jason's iron chest and my mouth... and the longer I'm under here, the muggier and hotter my breath gets...

At the same time, though... he's fast asleep... Maybe, just maybe... this could be my chance to give him a little "wake-up call," hehehe...

My neck cramps as I stretch it from underneath of him... just a little further... gah... the strain in my necks feels like I have my head dangling from one of those claws where you try to win a stuffed animal. Now I know how those animals feel to have their entire bodies moved by a crane choking their necks...

I made it! I can breathe again! I can finally wipe the sweat (I can't tell if it's mine or Jason's) off my damp face! More importantly, though, now I can wake up the sleeping beauty who feels no discomfort from the human-sized pea right under him!

I slowly lift my head towards his ear and brush my teeth against the outside... After a few strokes, I start nibbling away as though I'm trying to eat corn on the cob one ear at a time... Tugging gently on his ear lobe, I make my way around and tickle his ear by lightly grinding it between my teeth... Things become a little... wet back there... what was once just me gnawing away turned into a slippery tasting... Ah... Wet willies suck because you have no idea where their fingers have been. But wet ear kisses... they're a direct connection between your ear and the source of the wetness, preventing any contamination and stimulating all sensations to maximization... all the more satisfying... for both the wetter and the one embraced.

I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him in for a warm hug (and for a closer distance at which I can spread my "love."). I recommence his awakening by targeting his sweet spot... right in the back of his pointy ears...

After sucking off all the sugar from his lollipop, I finally hear what I wanna hear... A light, awake chuckle. After struggling to keep my head above the water, I finally see what I wanna see... A sturdy body finally moving off of mine. After being ironed down like a... pancake... ah... I finally feel what I wanna feel... A direct counterattack upon my sweet spot... Just as he enlivens me, the sun rises from the horizon and brightens the face that I wish to always wake up to...

Ah... Jason's shimmering hazel-blue eyes will never cease to leave me in awe... They're so delicate yet so sharp!

The look on his face, though, suddenly doesn't look like how I want it to... A look of concern... or a look as though he just kissed the wrong person (which I will be ticked if that is that look).

"Danny... your eyes..." My eyes...? Wait, what's wrong?! "Your eyes... they..." What about my eyes?! Griffon, did something happen to my eyes?!


Seriously? You're sleeping in, Griffon? Ugh...

"Jason, what's wrong with my eyes? Are my eyeballs tainted?! Did my pupils shrink?! Do my eyes still have color?!?!" I panicked and gripped his... protruding... rounded... shoulder! His shoulder! I gripped his shoulders and stared into his eyes. No doubt he's staring directly into them. Ugh, how a precious moment between two lovers staring into each other's eyes can turn into a moment of anxiety... "Jason...?"

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