Chapter 32

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Am I... still in lala land...

My head feels the comfort of a case filled with cotton while the rest of my body is blanketed in a body layered with fur...

"Jason...?" I speak, about to open my eyes... Wait... my eyes are open... My eyelids are exposing my eyeballs... yet... everything is pitch black... No... no... this can't be... "Jason... where are we...?"

I feel the back of my head being stroked delicately as a fuzz on a wishing flower while the rest of my body feels covered with the bare body and comfort of a werewolf...

"Shhh..." he spoke quietly a distance from my ear. Ow... it hurts... it hurts to hear his voice... it hurts to hear...

"Jason... it hurts..." It hurts just listening to my own breaking voice.

"Danny," I hear a voice, but not aloud. He's speaking to me in his head... "Can you hear me?"

I nod my head, brushing against his hairy chest and meaty shoulder.

"Danny...." Still in my head. "I love you... and I'm here with you now..."

Here with me now...? WAIT! That's right! Jason was killed by the Angel Slayer! JASON!

I removed my arms from his snuggling and felt around his back... the same muscles... in the same area... the area where his injury first was... it's gone... but it's Jason... this is Jason... Jason's alive!

"Jason!" I screamed out loud, further damaging my eardrums. "Jason..." I said in my head. "You're alive..."

"You saved me... you saved us all, Danny..." Jason said heartily in my head.

"But... how..."

Would you like for me to explain, my prince?

Griffon?! You're alive! Thank heavens!

All because of you, princess... I must thank you... I am forever in your debt, prince... for your sacrifice... you've saved not only the life of the future Prime Alpha and your pack but also the life of the demigod of werewolves...

Sacrifice? Don't be silly! I merely put to play the power I inherited somehow. It's certainly quite the power, haha. I can only imagine what would happen if an evil being would have received its abilities.

Yes... Fortunately it fell into the rights hands before slipping away once more...

Slipping away once more? My visual prowess slipping away... wait, does that mean that... Am I... blind...?

As soon as I thought that, I could feel Jason's arms and legs wrapping around my body more snugly than he's ever held me before, as though he didn't want me to go insane.

"Jason...?" I asked in his mind. "I love the comfort... but... why...?" I'm tearing up now... Now's the time to let my tears flow freely... from seeing Jason's heart torn right out of his own chest! To seeing the Prime Betas lying on the ground unable to move... to seeing the great demigod in chains of metal that disable his movement and would most definitely have killed him right then and there... It's all okay now, though... right...?

My shoulders are curved inward and my chest feels warmer as more of Jason keeps me... It's all okay... right, Jason...?

Prince, I... Even Griffon is struggling to tell me something.

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