They Get Jealous

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Arthur didn't want to cause a scene, he didn't want to start a fight because of his jealously. But he wouldn't just sit back and watch, he would stand by your side and glare at the man flirting with you, every now and again making passive aggressive comments. If he saw that the other man was making you uncomfortable he would properly intervene, stepping out in front of you and telling the man to back off. He wouldn't want to start a fight and he wouldn't want you to get hurt so he would just walk you away, making sure the man didn't follow. 


Dutch would be good at keeping calm, cool, and collected. He would walk over to you and the man who was flirting with you, Dutch would wrap his arm around your waist and hold you against his side. He would use some of that good ol' Dutch charm (laced with subtle threats) to convince the other man to walk away. You would just roll your eyes and laugh while saying something about him being jealous. He would say that he wasn't jealous, just couldn't let anyone think that they could have you.


Micah definitely lets his anger get the better of him, he would be ready to kill a man just for looking at you a certain way. He would pull you into his side or behind him while he glared at the man who thought that he had a chance, Micah would throw threats left and right and is not above causing a fist fight if the man didn't back down. It usually ended with you pulling him away and trying to calm him down. Once he was calmed down he wouldn't admit to being jealous but you would certainly tease him about it. He would say that he wasn't jealous he just didn't want other men touching you, while sulking.


Charles isn't the type to cause fights or confrontation unless it was necessary. He knew that you wouldn't flirt back but the man flirting with you was annoying Charles. He would watch from a distance, frowning and unable to pay attention to anything else but when he saw the man start to touch you he knew that he had to do something. He would just walk over to you and wrap an arm around you, nodding at the other man before helping you out of the uncomfortable situation. Sending the man a quick glare over his shoulder as he escorted you away. You were thankful.


Javier wouldn't be afraid to cause a scene but he wouldn't start a fight unless he had too. When he saw a man flirting with you and obviously making you uncomfortable, he would go straight over to you. He would either wrap his arm around you or grab your wrist and pull you behind him slightly, he would threaten the man and when they argued back he would start shouting. Slowly his insults would slip into Spanish.


Sean's bark is probably bigger than his bite. When he sees another man flirting with you or touching you, he will hurry over and start making a scene. At first he would just talk loudly about how you are his, wrapping his arms around you and kissing you in front of the other man. If that didn't chase the man away, Sean would start shouting about how he didn't have a chance as he dragged you away from the man. He would admit to being jealous, maybe being a little embarrassed by it though, you would just tease him and tell him that it was cute.


Red Dead Redemption II Preferences and OneshotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt