You are Old Friends

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Request: You have known them for a while (since you were teenagers) and they need a place for them and the gang to hide out, so you help them.


You and he had been very close friends since you were teenagers, but your lives went in different directions. The life of an outlaw took them away from you while you decided to settle down, living by yourself on a decent sized farm. You were happy despite not having had spoken to him for a long time. Even though the thought saddened you, you tried not to think about it. Then there is a knock on your door one random morning, and there he is. Standing in front of your house with the rest of the gang standing somewhat awkwardly on the outskirts of your farm.


You hadn't seen Arthur for a very long time, you ended on pretty good terms. You both agreed to go your separate way and about a month after parting you received a letter from him telling you that he was sorry for leaving but that he was alright. You would have sent one back but he moved around too much, you wouldn't even know where to send the letter to. You missed Arthur a lot but you knew that this was probably for the best, sometimes you just wished that he would contact you in some way. When you opened your door and saw the one and only Arthur Morgan standing on your doorstep, you were speechless but couldn't help the smile that appeared on your face. He smiled a little awkwardly and apologised for not getting in contact with you, and told you that he missed you. You just smiled and told him that you missed him too before pulling him into a hug. You didn't care that his whole gang was watching you, you hadn't seen Arthur for a long time and you weren't going to wait any longer to reconnect with him. You agreed to let the gang hide out on your farm, if Arthur trusted them you trusted them.


The last time you saw Dutch, he was running off of run a gang of outlaws. He had offered you a place in the gang but you had sadly turned it down, that just wasn't what you wanted to do even if you didn't want to say goodbye to Dutch. You never expected to see him again, and you were annoyed that he hadn't even sent you a letter to tell you how he was doing. Dutch always trusted you so when the gang needed somewhere safe to hide out for a while he knew that he could go to you, even if you would be furious at him. When you opened the door and saw him, you just stared at him because you didn't know what to say or think. He apologised for not making contact with you before you could even say anything to him. You scoffed before slamming the door in his face. Dutch looked over his shoulder and gave the gang an unconvincing nod to tell them that everything was fine, before knocking on you door again. Eventually he convinced you to let them all hide out at your farm, mainly by promising you that they would all help out around the farm and you would be an idiot to turn that down. Plus, you had missed him a lot.


You never thought you would see Micah again, you told yourself that even if he was alive he wouldn't get back in touch. You were one of the very few people who actually got along with Micah, he respected the fact that you were a challenge to him. When the gang needed somewhere to hide out for a while, he knew that you were the only person he could go to. The gang were forced to listen (and chose to watch) you and Micah arguing on your doorstep. You were furious that he would show up at your home after all this time and ask you to accommodate a gang of outlaws. The rest of the gang found it hilarious as they watched you actually winning the argument, barely letting Micah talk at all. They all laughed and Micah took it because he knew that he deserved it when you slapped him, only to hug him a second later. You may be furious at him for leaving for so long without any attempt to contact you, but you still missed him and he did miss you too. Eventually he convinced you to let them all hide out at your farm. The gang was surprised that you would let Micah step foot in your house and they were surprised by how differently he acted towards you.

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