Micah Bell: Big-Talk

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Micah Bell X Female Reader

Summary: You and Micah aren't dating but you do fool around with one another in bed on a daily basis. You've gotten into a heated argument and aren't speaking.

Word Count: 2270

You and Micah have a simple relationship. You aren't dating but the arrangement makes sure that you both remain satisfied. It started with some relentless teasing and flirting and you eventually found yourself in bed with him. You would never say that you regretted it, even if people would call you crazy for it. You were both adults who clearly wanted each other, there is nothing wrong with that. As time went on you found yourself in bed with the man more and more often. Then is became a daily thing. You were in his bed, or he was in yours, every night without fail. When Micah had a bad day or something happened, could would usually find yourself in his bed all day. Not that you minded at all.

Of course after spending ever night together you and Micah had become closer than you were, you would probably consider each other friends. You listened to his stories when nobody else did and he listened to you, he was fun to drink with, but that the the extent of your relationship. You were friends who slept together (on a daily basis) but you were not dating.

Everyone new about you and Micah but that never bothered either of you, why would you care about what they thought? Nobody seemed to care about it anyway. When the gang first found out, the women had asked you what on earth you were thinking. They didn't understand why you wanted Micah Bell but you eventually got them to shut up about it and to juts accept your choices.

Of course, when the gang found out, the men used it as a way to annoy Micah. They would tease him about finally getting a girlfriend, to which he would always tell him that you weren't dating. They would laugh about a woman actually being attracted to him, telling him that you were only taking pity on him or something like that. Micah managed to ignore it at first, they were just jealous that he was getting laid every night and that a beautiful woman such as yourself had chosen him over anyone else in the camp.

Micah sat at the camp fire with a few other men from the camp, there was a quiet chatter among them but Micah wasn't joining in with it. He wasn't interested in what any of them were talking about.

"I still don't know how you did it, Bell. Seriously, what did you do to convince Y/N to go anywhere near you" Sean spoke up, grabbing Micah's attention. the Irishman had a confused look on his face but Micah was more focused on the annoying grin on his face.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Micah asked, looking at him with a furrowed brow.

"Come on, just tell us. How did you get Y/N? She can clearly do better than you" Javier joined in, only frustrating Micah more. The blonde had enough of the other men trying to get under his skin and using you to do so. It seems like this was their own source of entertainment recently and it was only a matter of time before Micah retaliated.

"Oh, you're right. She can do better than me" Micah laughed drily and nodded along with them. The men around the fire turned their attention to him, curious about where this was going and what Micah was going to say. Normally he would just throw an insult their way before walking away but today seemed to be different. "So, you wanna know why she keeps crawling back to me every night?" he asked with a smirk, leaning forward and resting his elbows on his knees.

The others around the fire nodded hesitantly, they were suddenly uncomfortable about the way that Micah was talking about you but they were still curious about what stories Micah would fabricate to show off.

"I bet you didn't know this about your precious Y/N, who can do so much better than a man like me...she is fucking filthy. I mean it, when I get bored of her, I suggest that one of you give her a go" Micah chuckled and shook his head, looking as if he was thinking back to some sort of memory.

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