Arthur Morgan and John Marston: Torn Part 2

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Arthur Morgan X Female Reader X John Marston

Summary: John comes to you and Arthur with some interesting news, he wants you all to try dating. You and Arthur aren't so sure, can John convince you both?

Word Count: 2500

You sat with Arthur and John on the edge of the camp, drinks in your hands and smiles on your faces. The three of you often spent your evenings like this, just being together in a secluded part of the camp.

"I...uh, I met this fella in the saloon" John told you both as the conversation died down, making you both look at him.

"Was he pretty?" you teased with a playful smile, making Arthur laugh.

"I don't mean like that" John rolled his eyes, he was trying to have a serious conversation here! "I was drinking in the saloon and he sat next to me. He asked why I, why I was frowning. I was a little drunk so I...I told him about you...and Arthur...and our...y'know, our problem" he told you before looking down at his beer bottle, not sure how either of you would react.

"Oh..." you just kind of stared at him, not knowing what to say.

"God damn it, John" Arthur muttered, disapprovingly, before taking another sip of his drink. You knew that Arthur really didn't like talking about this, it was probably his least favourite topic to talk about.

"He said that he had been through something very similar but he...he loved two women and they both loved they are all...well, they are all together" John tried his best to explain, the man from the saloon was much better at explaining this sort of thing.

"Isn't that just a man sleeping with two women?" you asked, obviously unconvinced. You had a feeling that John misunderstood what that man was talking about.

"Sounds like a creep to me" Arthur nodded, agreeing with you. Who the hell has John been talking too?

"No, no, there are more people like that. For some it's one man and two women, for others it's two men and one woman" John continued to explain it, not dropping the subject.

"'s a consenting relationship between three people?" you asked, trying to clarify whatever John was trying to tell you both.

"Yeah! Exactly!" John smiled, nodding at you. At least you were understanding it.

"Wouldn't that mean and Arthur would be together?" you asked, trying to understand.

Arthur and John looked at each other for a moment, both of their faces turning bright red before they looked away from each other. Their reactions made you laugh a little to yourself.

"Uh no, I don't think it works like that" John shook his head, but to be honest he didn't really know. He hadn't really thought about it.

"Okay, just let me get this straight. I would be dating you and I would be dating Arthur, but you two wouldn't be dating each other?" you asked, your head beginning to hurt a little bit.

"Yeah, that sounds about right" John nodded with a small smile.

"I don't know, it sound...weird" you shook your head before sipping at your drink. You would just be dating two different men and that seemed a little weird to you.

"I agree with Y/N, it's just strange" Arthur shook his head as well, he wondered how this stranger put these ridiculous thoughts in John's head.

"I love you both, so both know that but you're also my best friends. I'm not willing to give that up to try whatever this is" you told him, it just wasn't worth the risk.

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