You Have an Argument

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When Arthur and you are in an argument or when he is mad with you he just stops talking to you, mumbles things to himself, and makes passive aggressive comments, you usually just return his behavior. The rest of the camp can sense the tension between you and avoids you both. You rarely argue other anything important so you both end up just forgiving each other when you or him walks over and apologizes. Normally he will come and sit beside you, telling you that he is sorry and wants thing to go back to normal. You usually just smile at him and laugh a little, you can't stay mad at each other for long.


Dutch can get stressed out with running the gang so he can sometimes snap at you be accident and that causes an argument. Either one of you leaves or tells the other to leave, both just trying to cool off. You know that Dutch didn't mean it and just needed time to calm down. The whole camp knows and avoids you both, knowing that they'll end up in trouble. Usually less than an hour afterwards he would go looking for you, apologizing and promising to make it up to you. When you forgive him he would smile, wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing you gently, promising to make it up to you.


When you and Micah are arguing, the whole camp knows about it. It starts with you both screaming at each other, the rest of the gang tends to just avoid you both. After the shouting, threats, and fighting, you would both avoid each other for some time. Usually the arguments are his fault so you wait for him to apologize but he isn't good at that so it takes a short while until he misses you too much. Usually he just climbs into bed next to you when you're trying to sleep, wrapping his arm around you and burying his face in your neck, mumbling an apology. 


It's very rare that you and Charles argue, he always tried to talk through things before arguing with you. But when you do argue it's normally small and doesn't last long. After calming down Charles will find you as quick as possible and apologize, wrapping his arms around you and kissing your forehead gently, and Charles will always try to make it up to you. You couldn't stay mad at him if you tried.


Javier hates arguing with you but it's bound to happen at some point, when you fight you only argue for a short time before just not talking to each other. Neither of you want to make it worse so you avoid each other. But he can't spend too much time away from you so he apologizes and you apologize too, whether it was your fault or not. He spends the rest of the day telling you how sorry he is and how special you are in Spanish, burying his face in your neck and leaving gentle kisses. 


Arguments with Sean was rare because he could never get mad at you and he always made you laugh when you were mad at him. But when you did argue it usually just consisted of critical comments and mumbled complaints. It was usually just childish bickering. You were stubborn and wouldn't back down and eventually Sean missed you too much and had to make things better. He would walk over to you and hold you by the hips, pulling you towards him, resting his forehead on yours and apologizing. When you forgave him he would smile widely before kissing you.  


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