Arthur Morgan: A New Home

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Arthur Morgan & Female Child Reader

Summary: The reader is a young runaway after the O'Driscolls had killed her parents so she soon runs into Arthur (quite literally) and he takes her to the camp and decides to adopt her as his daughter after a few days for her staying with him.

Word Count: 1900

You ran as fast as your small, tired legs would carry you, trying not to trip over the uneven ground. You were getting tired and your legs were beginning to ache but you knew that you couldn't stop running.

You spared a glance over your shoulder, hoping to see nobody following you. Before you could turn back to the direction you were running in, you crashing into something solid. The force of the collision caused you to fall back onto the ground. You sit the ground with a thud and let out a startled yelp. You sat on the floor as you looked up to see what, or more accurately who, you had ran into.

You looked up at the man that you had ran into. He was tall, very tall. He didn't look like the men you were running away from but he definitely looked like one of the men that your parents had warned you to stay away from.

Arthur looked down at your small figure. You were a young girl, now sitting in the dust. Tears were streaming down your face, your eyes were wide with fear, and your long hair was messily hanging over your face.

"S-Sorry...I...I...please don't hurt me" you begged, too tired and distraught to put together a more coherent thought.

"I ain't going to hurt you..." the tall man told you. Arthur wasn't really sure how to respond, you had startled him as much as he had startled you.

" aren't one of them?" you asked, unable to stop the small sobs escaping you.

"One of who?" Arthur asked, confused about what you were talking about.

"T-the men! The ones chasing me" you exclaimed and Arthur could see the fear on your face as you scooted backwards, away from him.

"Who are chasing you?" he asked, glancing around but seeing nobody.

"I-I don't know who they are but...but...but they..." you started but you couldn't finish your sentence, your tears falling heavier as you thought back to what had happened.

"'But they'?" Arthur asked, crouching down in an attempt to see less intimidating as he encouraged you to explain yourself.

"They killed my mom...then my dad...they were going to hurt me but my dad told me to run so I ran and I...I think I'm lost now" you told the man, starting to feel less afraid of him. He was nicer than those other men.

"You got any grandparents or something?" the man asked.

"No, mister" you shook your head, the tears drying on your cheeks. Your parents were the only family you had and you didn't know anybody else, you truly had nowhere to go.

Arthur opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by the sound of horses approaching. "Found her!" an O'Driscoll called back to the others. Arthur stood up when he saw the group of O'Driscolls approaching. You recognised the voices and scrambled to your feet, turning to face the approaching horses.

"Come on, Kid" Arthur huffed slightly as he lifted you off of the ground and scooped you into his arms.

You instinctively wrapped your arms around his neck and buried your face in his shoulder as he quickly ducked down behind a large rock formation. Perhaps it was because you had nowhere else to go but you were trusting him.

"Wait here, don't move" the man whispered to you as he sat you down on the ground, hiding you behind the rocks. You nodded before watching him leave, catching a glimpse of him pulling his gun out of his holster.

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