Javier Escuella: Love Song

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Javier Escuella X Female Reader

Summary: You want to learn how to play the guitar and ask Javier to teach you. Then, when you have learnt, you confess your feelings through song.

Warning: I do not play guitar, I did my best XD

Word Count: 1300

It was late in the evening and you were sitting around the campfire with Javier as he played the guitar that sat in his lap. You smiled to yourself as you listened to the music, the lazy atmosphere in the camp was something that you actually enjoyed. It was a quite and peaceful evening, and you and Javier were the only ones at the campfire.

You and Javier had been pretty good friends for a while now, it's fair to say that you two were close. You often spent your time together in the camp and Javier would take you into town if either of you were getting bored. You would often sit at the campfire and sing songs while Javier played the guitar, he always said that he loved your voice.

You smiled softly to yourself as you watched his fingers playing the chords and strumming the strings, you were often in awe about how talented Javier is. You could listen to him play all day.

"Javier?" you asked, resting your chin on your hand.

"Yes, bella?" Javier asked with a charming smile as he looked over at you. You blushed lightly at the compliment, both loving and hating when he did stuff like that.

"Could you teach me how to play the guitar?" you asked, batting your eyelashes at him playfully.

"Of course, I would love too" Javier smiled. If he had known you wanted to learn how to play guitar, he would have offered you lessons a long time ago. Especially since it meant spending more time with you.


For your first guitar lesson, Javier took you out of the camp so that you could have some privacy and not have the whole camp watching you. He took you to a lake and you both sat down on the grass, Javier sitting in front of you and facing you. You both sat with your legs crossed and you had Javier's guitar in your lap.

"Okay so the basis" Javier smiled and hummed to himself, deciding where to start. "These are the frets, holding down certain strings on certain frets plays a chord. A sequence of chords makes a song or a tune" he told you as he pointed at the frets along the neck of the guitar. "Sometimes you have to play an open string, which just means that you strum the string without holding it down on a fret. And sometimes you don't strum a string at all" he explained.

"Oh well that sounds simple" you hummed, a little sarcastically.

"It's pretty easy once you learn all the chords, but let's just start with some simple stuff first" Javier chuckled to himself, knowing that it can be a little confusing and overwhelming at first.

Javier taught you the numbers of the frets, the letters of the strings, and tested you on them by having you play them. It was simple enough to remember.

You cringed whenever you strummed the string and it sounded very wrong, but Javier assured you that it was normal when you were learning and that you would get the hang of it with practice.


For your second lesson you both went out to the lake again, Javier decided to teach you some chords this time.

"Almost, just...there" Javier hummed as he helped you move your fingers into the right position for the chord. "Perfect" he smiled and nodded for you to strum the guitar, which you did and made both of you smile when it sounded just right.

Javier tested you on the chords that he taught you, making you play them when he called them out.


You and Javier had a few more lessons and now you can play all the chords pretty easily and switch between chords smoothly, Javier was an amazing teacher.

Now Javier was teaching you how to put those chords together to play songs and tunes. He had written you some sheet music and taught you how to read it so that you could play the songs.

Javier sat behind you with you sitting between his legs and the guitar in you lap. He had his arms wrapped around you so that his hands hovered over yours as you slowly played through the song, letting Javier guide your hands and help you play the chords correctly.

"You are a fast learner!" Javier smiled as you finished the song, his arms still wrapped around you and his chin resting on your shoulder.

"Thanks" you smiled softly and blushed, turning your head slightly to smile at him.

After your lesson you both sat by the lake and just walked for a while, you loved moments like these with Javier.


After a few more lessons you could play songs and sheet music with few mistakes. You still weren't as good as Javier, of course, but you were a decent guitarist now. You were pretty proud of yourself.

Now you were at the same lake for your final lesson, since Javier decided that he couldn't teach you anything else, you just had to practice.

You were both sitting on the grass with your legs crossed, Javier sitting opposite you and facing you.

"Hey, Javier, could I just play you something?" you asked, a light blush creeping up to your cheeks.

"Sure" Javier smiled, leaning forwards and ready to hear you play.

You smiled and nodded, hesitating for a moment, before beginning to play and sing. You had chose to sing a love song, a song that pretty much said everything that you wanted to say to Javier without you actually having to say it to him. You just hoped that he would listen to the words and catch on to what you are saying, and hopefully he would feel the same way.

Javier smiled fondly as he watched you, adoration in his eyes as he listened to you sing and play.

Once you finished, Javier smiled and took the guitar from you, laying it down on the grass beside you both. "That was...beautiful" Javier complimented as he shifted closer to you, both of you still sitting with your legs crossed opposite each other.

"Well, I couldn't have done it without you" you reminded him, blushing slightly at his words.

You stayed still as Javier reached his hand out towards you, gently tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. You smiled softly at him as he leaned towards you, making your breath catch in your throat.

Javier gently pressed his lips against yours, you instantly kissed him back. His hand cupped your cheek as your hands settled on his biceps, leaning towards him. You slowly pulled away from the kiss, smiling at each other.

"You are beautiful Y/N, as beautiful as your voice and as beautiful as that song" Javier complimented you in a soft voice.

"I have been falling for you for some time now" you confessed quietly, a soft smile on your face.

"Y/N, you have always been special to me. I have been in love with you for a long time, only hoping that you felt the same" he admitted, putting your nerves at ease.

"I love you too" you smiled brightly, you had been waiting so long to hear him say that.

Javier smiled again before leaning towards you and pressing another kiss to your lips, you could both stay like this all day.


It was another quiet evening in the camp. You were watching from a short distance as Javier played his guitar around the campfire, a few other gang members lounging around the camp.

You smiled to yourself as you walked over to Javier, approaching him from behind. Once you were standing behind him, you bent down slightly and wrapped your arms around his neck. You tenderly kissed his cheek, making him smile as he plucked at the guitar strings.


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