Dealing with Your Death

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The reader gets killed in front of the gang by the O'Driscolls or Agent Milton and the various reactions from the gang. One reaction for if they were friends and one reaction for if they were lovers.


You are Friends:
Arthur felt defeated when you died, like he had let you down. The whole gang had put a lot of pressure on him, trusting that he knew how to help even when Dutch was getting less stable by the day. You had the same faith in him but you would always remind him that he is only human and could only do so much. He knew that you wouldn't blame him for your death but Arthur just couldn't lose somebody else, he felt like everyone was slowly being taken away. How many more people did he have to lose?

You are Lovers:
After your death, Arthur picked up any work he could. He went on every job that other gang members mentioned, he followed every lead no matter how unlikely, he picked up any paycheck he could. He kept himself busy and helped the camp, but that was just an afterthought. He didn't talk too much, he refused to talk about you at all. Eventually Dutch told him that he had to address your death properly, and he opened up about it with some of the women in the camp. Talking made him feel better, even if it was only a little bit.


You are Friends:
You and Dutch had known each other for a long time, he trusted you as much as he trusted Hosea. Losing you truly was like losing a family member, he couldn't have gotten this far without you. But your death made him more determined, refusing to let your death be in vain. You wanted to give the gang a better like and that's exactly what he planned to do in your honour. After dealing with those who killed you in the first place of course.

You are Lovers:
Dutch didn't get mean or start drinking more, it just seemed like he had given up. He wasn't planning or leading, he was just doing...nothing. Even if he tried, everything was handled by Hosea. Dutch wasn't going to get mad at the gang but he was mad at the world and mad at himself. Nothing seemed worth doing at the moment, so he just couldn't bring himself to do it.


You are Friends:
Most people would say that their friend didn't deserve to get shot down like that but Micah never claimed that about you, of course you deserved to die like that. You were no better than him, but that's exactly why he would miss you. You were the one godforsaken member of the gang that understood him, to put it simply you were his partner in crime. You were down for everything, just like he was, he wouldn't find a partner like you again.

You are Lovers:
It probably goes without saying but Micah became an even worse person after your death. It was hard on him and he took it out on everyone else. He needed somebody to blame and he had already killed the people who killed you but he didn't feel any better. He drank more, fought more, argued more, insulted people more. You were like the only moral compass that he had and now you were gone. He was spiralling downwards, and fast.


You are Friends:
Charles usually handled death pretty well, even if he was saddened by the person's loss or if he missed them. But you and Charles had been such close friends for so long that he had forgotten what the camp was like without you. You were both pretty quiet people and you had the same respect for nature that he had, it was just strange without you. He made sure to give you the burial that you deserved, that you would have wanted. Then he made sure to keep living and acting like he knew that you would want him too.

You are Lovers:
Charles was already a quiet man, a man of few words, but now it was like he was a man of no words. He was silent most of the time unless he had to speak. He never used to jump straight to aggression when it came to dealing with things but it was looking better to him recently. He kept himself busy, always working, doing chores, hunting. Anything to keep him focused and to stop his mind from wandering. He knew that should think about you and help himself to move on but he just couldn't do it, not just yet.

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