Catch up with Leopold Strauss

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They flirt with you around camp-

Leopold Strauss flirting? Never! At least that's what he would let you think, since he is known for being rather cold and unemotional. But the truth was that he liked you, a lot. So he would start talking to you but it always seemed to be about business, business that you had nothing to do with so you were more than confused about why he was talking to you about it. Slowly the conversations Would become about anything other than business and you found that you'd rather liked talking to Strauss. Then he would Start complimenting you, he wanted to be the reason that you smile, he wanted to see you smile, and making you laugh was a real achievement to him. Everybody else in camp noticed how different he was acting towards you and would definitely point it out, teasing you both about it.

They get jealous-

Yes, Leopold gets jealous, of course he does why wouldn't other people want you? However, he never acts on his jealousy. If a stranger is flirting with you in the saloon he isn't about to start a scene. He knew that he would lose in any physical confrontation anyway. He also won't say anything to you about it as he fears that it's make him seem childish or too sensitive. But you always notice when something is wrong with him and you notice when he's jealous because he has a small tendency to sulk, so you will wrap your arms around him and kiss cheek and make it very clear to your admirer that you are happily spoken for.

You have an argument-

Leopold is seriously annoying to have an argument with because he has a tendency to use revert to his usual emotionless loanshark persona. Even when you try to talk to him he will ignore you or brush you off, eventually you give up trying to fix things between you and decide to ignore him. After a while of you not bothering him, Strauss realises that he's been being rather than immature and should try to make things right again. So he will come over to you and apologise for being so frustrating, then you finally sit down and talk about the reason that you arguing in the first place. He couldn't ignore you for long before he starts to miss you.

They see you in your underwear-

Leopold stepped into your tent only wanting to ask you a question, but when he saw the sight in front of him he froze. Of course he hadn't meant to walk in on you wearing your underwear. He knew that he let his gaze linger a little longer than he should've so he turned around and stumbled over a polite apology. You were flustered as you covered yourself up, telling him that it was okay. He would just tell you to come and find him when you were decent so that he could ask you the question, before leaving your tent.

Having sex-

Leopold is pretty tame in the bedroom but he wants to please you. He likes to give you sweet, short, slow kisses while you have sex. He isn't very adventurous but he is attentive, your pleasure is actually really important to him (especially if you are significantly younger than him). He is attentive and intimate. He loves when you ride him, he's getting on age wise and he is already a pretty sick man. It's nice to be able to rest his body while getting to be with you.


Okay so Strauss always acts cold and emotionless but when he is alone with you he is actually pretty soft. He loves to hold you, to stroke your hair, to caress your soft skin, and to give you gentle kisses before you both slowly fall asleep in each other's arms. He likes to have you close to him, especially when you are alone.

Horse Riding-

Leopold doesn't really do horseriding, you aren't even sure if you can even ride a horse but on the rare occasion that you convince him to go out on a horse ride with you, he will sit behind you on your horse with his hands holding on to your waist. You think it's funny but also in endearing when he gets a little nervous and his arms around your waist a little tighter, if you start sharing stories between yourselves he will soon forget he's riding on the back of your horse and will completely relax into the conversation. He actually likes it because he can spend time with you away from the camp.

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