They Hear you Singing

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You had never sang anything in the camp but you weren't particularly shy about your voice, people had complimented your voice in the past so you were felt confident about it. You just never sang in camp. But at a camp party one night, you decided to sing along with the music to entertain the camp. This is the first time that they hear you sing.


Arthur would definitely be surprised and wonder why you never told him that you could sing before, but then he figured that there was probably never a reason to tell him. He would watch you and listen to you until you finished, then he would offer you a drink and politely compliment your voice. He would ask you why you never sang in the camp before, mainly because he just wanted to talk to you and thought it might be a good conversation starter.


Dutch just smiled slightly and watched you and he stood off to the side, he couldn't deny that your voice was beautiful and that you had a talent for singing. After he felt like he had listened for long enough he approached you and asked you to dance, after you agreed to dance with him he would ask you to keep singing softly as you danced with him. After parting from him he would tell you that you had a beautiful voice before kissing your knuckles and letting you return to what you were doing.


Micah would be surprised to hear you singing, he wondered why he didn't know that you had this talent before. He never really got too involved with parties like the others did, so he just watched from the side. After the party, when everybody had passed out or had turned in for the night, Micah would walk over to you. He would casually compliment your voice, trying to to seem too awkward or too flirty. After you thank him he would just nod and walk away.


Charles couldn't help but smile when he heard you singing for the first time, watching you sing along with Javier's guitar. He would walk over to you and watch you with a little smile, pretending to just be watching you both. After you finished singing and you were along, he would approach you and compliment your voice. He would tell you something like your voice is as beautiful as you are, making you smile and probably blush a little.


Javier was playing guitar and you were sitting beside him. You began to sing along with his playing and he just looked at you with a big smile. He was definitely pleasantly surprised to hear that you could sing so well, and you spent the rest of the night entertaining the camp with music. Afterwards he would compliment you on your singing and told you that you should perform together more often.


Sean would watch you sing with a huge smile on his face, not being subtle in the fact that he was watching you. When you finished you received a few smiles or nods from other members of the camp, but of course Sean had to go a step further. He gave you a loud round of applause, whistling at you as he approached you. You would probably already be blushing from his little show before he got close enough to actually compliment your voice.


Hosea would watch you quietly when he heard you singing, maybe juts watching you out the corner of his eye while he spoke to Dutch. He didn't want to stare or make it too obvious that he was watching you. After you finished and you were alone somewhere a little quieter, Hosea would approach you with a warm smile before complimenting your voice and telling you that you should definitely sing more around camp, and that the camp could use something as lovely as your voice.


Kieran would watch from a distance, not really being the type of person who gets involved with gang parties, mainly because they all hated him. He would smile and listen to you happily until you stopped. When you finished singing and you were on your own, Kieran would walk over to you and smiled awkwardly, before complimenting your voice. After that he would probably turn around and walk away unless you stopped him and got him to finish a conversation.


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