Sean MacGuire: A Short Walk in a Pretty Town

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Sean MacGuire X Female Reader

Summary: You save Sean from getting shot in Rhodes.

Word Count: 1500

You, Sean, Bill, and Micah were waiting in Rhodes, waiting for Arthur to show up. Micah and Bill were sitting on the steps of a building on the edge of the town, while you and Sean were standing behind them. You were leaning back against the wall of the building while Sean stood in front of you.

"Ya didn't have to come, y'know. We can handle this alone" Sean told you, feeling a little bad for dragging you along with them. He couldn't imagine that this would be interesting at all.

"I know, but I wanted to come with you" you assured him with a playful roll of your eyes.

"Ah, I'm a lucky man, I am" Sean gushed, moving closer to you and placing his hands on your waist.

"Yes you are" you laughed softly as your wrapped your arms around his neck, playing with the tips of his hair.

You both smiled at each other before Sean moved a little closer again, leaning down to kiss you sweetly. You happily returned the small kiss before you both pulled away from each other.

"You two make me sick" Micah groaned at the display of affection.

"Ah, piss off Micah. You're just jealous" Sean rolled his eyes before moving to stand beside you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. He kissed your cheek just to rub it in Micah's face, he loved annoying that man.

Everybody's attention turned to Arthur when they saw him approaching. "We been waiting for you, Arthur" Micah told him as he stood up, Bill standing up a second later.

"Well, I'm sorry to have kept you" Arthur apologised sarcastically, making you and Sean smile.

"Come on, let's get goin'" Micah rolled his eyes, obviously not wanting to hang around any longer. Micah started walking into Rhodes, followed by the other four of you.

"What's the plan?" Arthur asked as the five of you walked through Rhodes.

"We're meeting a couple of the Grays over at the saloon. They spoke to Bill about a job...needing security" Micah told him, since Micah and Bill had already filled you and Sean in earlier on.

"After the farce of stealing the horses for them, why we doing this?" Arthur asked, it was obvious that he wasn't on board with the plan.

"'Cause we need to stay in with them...and they're paying" Micah shrugged.

"So what kinda security they want?" Arthur asked.

"We're about to find out. Now come on" Micah shook his head, wanting Arthur to stop asking questions and just get on with the job.

"This seem legit to you, Bill?" Arthur asked the other man, wanting more than Micah Bell's opinion.

"Sure" Bill shrugged.

"What about you, Y/N?" Arthur asked you, hoping for a more developed answer than 'sure'.

"I suppose so, something feels a little funny about it though" you hummed, you hadn't like the sound of this since Micah told you about it.

"Dutch said we was to keep on dealing with them until we find this gold" Micah reminded the four of you.

"Can we trust them?" Sean asked.

"Can we trust anyone?" you replied, making him look down at you and smile. You smiled back at him before playfully nudging his arm, making him chuckle to himself.

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