Dutch Van der Linde: Fighter

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Dutch Van der Linde X Female Reader

Summary: You are a street fighter and have been sneaking out of the camp to partake in those fights. One day, Dutch follows you to find out where you keep going. Seeing how you make you money, Dutch decides it's time to step in.

Word Count: 3000

You joined the gang a few months ago and had quickly become close to each member of the gang, especially Dutch. Dutch had also grown very fond of you, developing feelings for you rather quickly. You were just a strong person, you were strong willed as well as physically strong, it was attractive to Dutch.

You were a pretty secretive person but Dutch knew that you could be trusted, you just tended to keep personal matters to yourself.

Dutch has noticed that you would leave the camp and return with a fair amount of cash, however that cash always came along with some bruises and/or cuts. Your wounds were never anything serious but it was more than enough to make Dutch wonder what type of trouble you kept getting into.

You had done it again today. You left the camp in the morning without even a 'goodbye' and returned to the camp in the late afternoon. You walked straight up to Dutch and held out the stack of cash. As Dutch took the money from you, he took a moment to take in your appearance.

There were some bruises on your face, not too much damage though, this time you didn't have a split lip or anything like that. You had clean, white bandages wrapped around your hands likes always. Despite the bruises, it actually looked like you had washed up. Your clothes were clean and neat, your hair was the same way, and you didn't seem to have any dirt on your hands or face. If you had gotten into some trouble there should be more evidence than just a few bruises.

"What happened to your face?" Dutch asked as he counted the money you had gave him, a little surprised by the amount.

"Nothing to worry about, you know how it is, occupational damage" you shrugged with a small smile.

And that's pretty much how it went every time. Dutch thought that he might never find out how you make so much money.

The times that Dutch hates the most are when you leave during the night. You are usually gone until morning. Every body would be sitting around the camp with coffee in their hands, still trying to ready themselves for the day, and you would ride into camp looking worse than ever. These are the moments that you come back with blood on your clothes and gashes on your face. One time you even came back to the camp with broken ribs, it took you a long time to recover from that 'occupational damage'. When Dutch was trying to help you, he actually found a tooth in your hair, he decided not to ask about it.

Dutch didn't know how you were making money but he definitely didn't like it. He didn't like seeing you in so much pain, however he isn't constantly impressed by your resilience. It seemed like you could recover from any injury, like you had been doing this for years. That made Dutch worry even more. What kind of trouble were you involved in?


The bruises on your face from your last outing had just about faded, there was still a light bruise on your cheekbone but you were nearly completely healed now. Dutch was happy to see you looking better, but then he saw you slipping out of the camp again. He knew where you were going, you were going to make more money...however you did that.

Curiosity had been killing him and Dutch finally decided to give into his curiousness, he was going to follow you. He waited for you to ride out of the camp before mounting his own horse and heading in the same direction. He managed to stay so far behind you that you never noticed him following you, he made sure to stay out of your sight.

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