You Have Low Honour

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Request: You are in a relationship and you have low honour.

Basically you are violent, aggressive, rob people, can be rude, all that sort of stuff


Low honour Arthur wouldn't really care but high honour Arthur (which is how I see him) is likely to be worried about it. Sometimes the things that you do confuse him and he doesn't always agree with the things you do but maybe that just comes with the job. You're an outlaw, he can't expect you to be a saint. He was more worried about you than anything. Worried about the trouble you could get into, worried about what you would do to the next person who crosses you. However he also knew that you were loyal to him and that you would go to the extremes to help him with something, he had to credit you for that.


Maybe it would bother him at first, when the gang was still growing and was fairly new. However, he would start to care less and less about your low honour. As his mind deteriorated, he would start to see your behaviour as useful rather than anything else. He knew that you would cross lines that other people wouldn't cross, he would use that to his advantage. He wanted to attack someone? He knew that he could send you ahead and get results. He needed to burn something down? He knew that you would light the flame. He needed information? He knew he could trust you to find out everything he needed to know. Your behaviour used to concern him but know he was right in the trouble with you.


Couldn't care less. If anything he actually liked it. He could get into trouble with you, you saw things his way. You wouldn't chastise him for doing things a certain way and he wouldn't chastise you either. You were as bad as each other, that's why you loved working together and that's why people hated when you were together. Your low honour is what drew you both together, it's what captured Micah's attention so he obviously didn't have a problem with it.


Charles wasn't a fan of it. He liked that you could handle yourself in a confrontation but he didn't like that you caused trouble just for the sake of causing trouble. Still, he fell for you but he still didn't like the way you acted sometimes. He wanted to help, he took you hunting and camping, figuring that you could focus your attention and energy of that instead. For the most part it worked but sometimes you still got out of hand, luckily Charles had the ability to pick you up and throw you over his shoulder if he had too. He could always get you away from trouble, even if he had to drag you away.


Sometimes it bothered him, sometimes it didn't. You were outlaws, he couldn't expect you to be a saint. He didn't mind you being aggressive or violent when the time called for it but he could see when you were going too far or everything was getting out of hand. That's when he would pull you away or take over, reminding you that you need to calm down sometimes. As long as your actions were directed at some who deserved it, Javier was okay with it. He had your back for the most part, he just didn't like if you turned that sort of behaviour onto innocent people.


Sometimes Sean loved it, sometimes he didn't like it so much. Sometimes you took things too far but Sean would always be there to pull you back. He didn't mind because he was there to stop you from going to far and you were there to save him when he got too cocky. He absolutely loves when you get protective of him. When people threaten Sean, it awakens your worse nature. You won't let anyone hurt him and he knows it. Sean always has to pull you away from the person who threatens him. Afterwards he raves about how badass you were.


Hosea had actually warned Dutch about letting you join the gang in the first place, you were a bit of a wild card and Hosea wasn't sure about you. You were more likely to cause trouble than anything. However, he slowly learnt that you were reliable. You always seemed to get the job done, no matter how tough it got. Eventually you and Hosea started dating. You weren't good at talking to people, it always ended in a threat. However, Hosea found that he could do the talking and you could be the muscle, you worked well together. He knew that he couldn't change you but he had learnt to handle you.


Kieran is your conscience, you never told him that but you believe it completely. Of course you are aware of the way that you act and you know that Kieran wouldn't agree with it unless it was your last resort. Ever since you and Kieran started dating, you tried to be more careful. Before you acted, you would think about how Kieran would feel about it. He was a good man, he made you a better person. He didn't like that you could be so destructive but he still found himself in love with you. With the life you both live, he manages to look past your behaviour.


When you and John first met, he didn't like the way that you acted. You were just a lot to handle, you were even a lot to witness. But as time went on he learnt that you were not a bad person, just more impulsive than anything. You were an outlaw through and through, he couldn't really blame you for that. He eventually fell in love with you despite your low honour and it just stopped bothering him so much. Still, he would stop you if he thought you were about to go too far. He wasn't going to let you hurt anyone who was innocent, he knew that you could sometimes lose control but he would always pull you back.


For the most part, Bill wouldn't really care about the way you acted to other people. He considered himself lucky to have you, he often thought of you to be the best thing to have ever happened to him. So he didn't care about your low honour, he was far from perfect. He knew that he wasn't exactly helpful, he could encourage you more than get you to back off. Even he could see when you took things too far and he would mention it to you but in the end he wouldn't want you to change. He loved you for you, you never asked him to change so he would never ask you to change.


Lenny was a good influence on you, you knew that. You were young and impulsive, you were an outlaw and you acted like one. Lenny balanced you out, he managed to get you to think things through before acting, he convinced you to take the less violent approach to things. He made you a better person without even trying, it was like you were just learning from him. When you started dating, these changed became even more visible. He never tried to change you but you were changing for the better because of him. You still have low honour, you still lose control or let things get out of hand but Lenny is there to help you handle it. You don't have to deal with your own impulsiveness alone anymore.


Leopold wasn't exactly a fan of aggressive behaviour but he definitely thought that it could be of use. You were the perfect person to collect debts from people. You never cared about their excuses and you would do anything to get the money from him. The chances are that you were only person he would ask to collect debts, and the rest of the gang will start to know you for you. You and Strauss became a team, a team that others would consider cold and heartless but you weren't like that around each other. Maybe that was why Leopold overlooked your low honour behaviour.


Sadie is your better half, you tell her that all the time. You may be a piece of work but, for some reason, she thinks you're worth it and that is enough for you. You try to be better but then something happens that makes you snap again. However Sadie could be very rash when it came to dealing with O'Driscolls, in those cases you both just made each other worse. In the end, Sadie is the only one who can make you rethink your behaviour and consider changing a little, for her sake.


In some ways Josiah didn't like the way you acted but in other ways he did. He didn't always like how aggressive and impulsive you could be but he could admit that it could be useful. He always needed some muscle in his line of work, plus you kept him entertained. He loved you and knew how to handle you when you got a little out of control. Even though you sometimes went too far, Josiah very rarely tried to tame you or calm you down. He loved you for who you were, he knew better than to try to change you. He didn't even want you to change, not really.


Orville wouldn't like the way that you behaved at all but he tried to think about it a little deeper. He wasn't a man that he used to be, he was a good man but now very few people would consider him to be that. Perhaps you weren't the type of person that you used to be, maybe something had changed you like something changed him. He could talk to you with no judgement because you had done worse, you could talk to him because he wouldn't judge, it used to be his job. He calmed you down a little and you encouraged you to control your behaviour. He could overlook the way you acted because he saw the person that you really were.


Red Dead Redemption II Preferences and OneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang