Arthur Morgan: Parenthood

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Arthur Morgan X Female Reader

Summary: You both start a family together

Word Count: 1710

You knew that you were pregnant, all the signs were there, you didn't need to ask Abigail for advice to know that you were pregnant. Part of you was excited to be a mother but the other part of you was terrified. Did you really want to raise a child in this life? Sure, you thought that Jack was a great kid but you knew that it was still hard on him. You main concern was telling the father. Arthur Morgan.

You knew that Arthur would do the right thing and help you raise the child, it was just in his nature to be a good man, but you weren't actually sure if he would actually be happy to have a child.

Arthur knew that something was wrong, every time you spoke to him you got nervous and stumbled over every word you said. This time he had approached you in the middle of the camp and he had only greeted you with a smile but you were already a mess of nerves. Arthur frowned, concern clear on his face. He gently wrapped his hand around you arm and guided you back to his tent. He closed the canvas so that you both had some more privacy before turning back to you.

"What's going on, Y/N? You've barely spoken to me the last few days and whenever I try to speak to you, you act strange. Has something happened? Have I done something to upset you?" Arthur asked, and it broke your heart to see him looking so confused and sad about the way you had been behaving.

"No, Arthur. Of course you haven't done anything to upset me. I've just been...thinking. I need to tell you something but I don't know how you will react and I...I don't want you to stay because you feel like you have too" you rambled, looking down at the ground and twiddling your fingers.

"Just tell me what you need to tell me" he sighed, stepping towards you and taking your hands in his.

You looked up to meet his gaze, so concerned about you and so much love in his eyes. It made you think that this might all work out after all. "Arthur...I'm pregnant" you told him, decided to just rip the bandage off and hope for the best. He was going to find out anyway.

"Pregnant?...are you sure?" Arthur asked with wide eyes, in shock from your confession. He had prepared himself for some bad news but he wasn't expecting this at all. You hadn't been trying for a child and you both had thought that you had been careful, apparently you hadn't been as careful as you thought.

"I'm sure, Arthur" you nodded, waiting for a reaction from him.

Arthur didn't say anything, he wouldn't even know what to say. Instead he moved closer to you and let go of your hands, he placed his hand on you stomach and watched it with a strange intensity. His hand brushed over your stomach and around your waist, before wrapping both of his arms around your waist and pulling you against him. He buried his face in the crook of your neck as you wrapped your arms around his neck, running your fingers through his hair.

You smiled when you felt him smile against your skin, you were so happy that he was taking this so well. Arthur pulled away from you and you both looked at each other with teary eyes. If you wanted to start a family with anyone, it was Arthur and you couldn't be happier that he seemed to want the same thing.

Arthur kissed you before burying his face in the crook of your neck again, mumbling that he loves you. He loved you and now he would love his child, you were his family now no matter what and he couldn't believe how happy he was about it. He never really thought about having children with you, mainly because of the life you both lived, but once you told him the news he couldn't think of anything that he wanted more.


You had no idea what Arthur was planning.

It had been a few days since you told him the news and you had both thought of every possibility for raising your child. Arthur had made up his own mind, he loved the gang with his life but he wasn't going to mess up his chance to be a good father. He wasn't going to raise your child in this camp as a criminal.

Red Dead Redemption II Preferences and OneshotsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя