Hosea Matthews: I'd Be Honoured

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Hosea Matthews X Younger Female Reader

Summary: You had Hosea had been close for a while, tiptoeing around your feelings for each other. When Micah makes a comment about your relationship to Hosea, a conversation about your feelings is just what the doctor ordered.

Word Count: 1800

You and Hosea had been close for a while, it started with him being the only person you felt comfortable enough to speak honestly with. Then you both just became close friends, you both found that you really enjoyed talking to each other and that you never got bored of each other's company. You could spend all day and night with each other without getting bored.

You were sitting with Hosea at one of the tables in the camp, talking about nothing very important. You both looked over at Molly shouting at Dutch but neither of you could hear what the argument was about.

"You know that Dutch is my oldest friend and I know that he is going through a very stressful time but he should treat that poor woman better" Hosea sighed, shaking his head at the couple.

"I know, I don't blame Molly for getting so upset with him. He's been ignoring her for the longest time" you shook your head, you didn't completely blame Dutch but you did feel bad for the both of them.

"You promise me that you will find yourself a man that treats you right" Hosea smiled warmly but there was an unreadable look in his eyes as he placed his hand on your shoulder.

"I will" you smiled sweetly back at him. You could never tell him that he was the man that you wanted and that you knew that he would treat you right.

"Ah, Mr Matthews...how ya doin' old feller?" Micah asked as he approached you both and you both already knew that he was planning to annoy you both. It's what he did best.

"Just fine, Mr Bell" Hosea sighed, dropping his hand from your shoulder as he turned to the blond outlaw. You sighed as you turned to him as well.

"Y'know, we need people who can pull their weight around here. I bet you once had a lot of fight in ya...y'know what...I bet this one puts a little fight back into ya" Micah chuckled, gesturing towards you. You frowned at his comment, hoping that he wasn't suggesting what you thought he was suggesting.

"What are you implying?" Hosea asked, leaning back in his chair, obviously completely aware of what the other man was implying.

"I ain't implying nothing, well, nothing that everybody doesn't already know" Micah shrugged, leaning back against the table.

"And what does everybody know?" Hosea asked with a sigh, tired with the man talking to him.

"That this...lovely young lady...makes ya feel like a young man again" Micah chuckled and you were pretty sure that he had been drinking, which wasn't a surprise. He usually got extra annoying after he had a few drinks.

"That's enough Micah" Hosea warned him, standing up from his chair.

"I gotta say that I'm impressed, old man. I hope that when I'm your age I'll be able to pull a woman more than half my age" Micah laughed, patting the older man's shoulder like some sort of proud father.

"You're disgusting" you scoffed, shaking your head at him.

"Seriously though, don't ya think that you are a little old to be hanging out with Miss L/N? She is gonna move on to someone younger eventually" Micah ignored your comment and continued to speak to Hosea.

"Mr Bell, I think you need to walk away" Hosea warned him again but he knew that he wouldn't listen.

"You don't like me much, do you?" Micah asked with an amused smirk.

Red Dead Redemption II Preferences and OneshotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora