You are Deaf

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Request: You are deaf but you weren't born deaf so you don't know ASL. You can lip read decently but it isn't perfect so it is easier for people to write things down for you.


Arthur is probably one of the most unaffected people when it comes to you being deaf. Sure, when he first met you and found out you were deaf he simply wasn't sure how to communicate with you but once you explained everything to him, he treated you like he treated everyone else. He would never see you as weaker than the others just because you couldn't hear and he never spoke down to you about it. Sometimes you might miss some of Dutch's plan and would have to ask Arthur exactly what was going on but he would always just smile and tell you it, knowing that the others could be a little inconsiderate or forgetful. He always had your back in those situations. When you were in public and people talked but you couldn't understand, Arthur always found away to repeat it to you without making you feel belittled in front of the strangers.


Dutch was never bothered by the fact that you were deaf, it very rarely got in the way of anything, and he just saw it as a part of you and he wouldn't change it even if he could. He was always patient with you and took his time talking just to make sure that you could read his lips, but he never did it in a patronising way. He would never treat you like you were stupid, he knew that you were intelligent and more capable than many members of the gang, the fact that you are deaf does not change that. He may be a little more protective over you anyway, despite knowing that you can handle yourself. He just cares about you so much and wants to make sure that you are safe, he would behave that way whether you are deaf or not. He might fret a little too much sometimes which always earned a glare from you, he would apologise before wrapping his arm around you. Of course you forgave him, he only wanted you to be safe, you couldn't be mad about that.


It would annoy Micah at first since he couldn't just talk to you normally. In fact he would bully you around the camp because of it, since he picked on everyone. He would see it as some sort of weakness but then he learnt that you were perfectly capable despite you being deaf. So he gave you a chance and found that he actually quite liked you. You mostly had to lip read with Micah because he usually wasn't patient enough to write things down for you, but sometimes he would write things down. He would write for you if you are just around the camp or if he had something quite long or important to say. You knew that it frustrated him but you appreciated that he made an effort. And God help anyone who picks on you for being deaf now. Even though he knew you were capable, Micah was more protective over you because of your deafness.


You being deaf never bothered Charles. He was a quiet man anyway, so when he spoke he just made sure that you could see his mouth so that you could read his lips. It wasn't like it was putting him out of his way or anything, even if it did you would be worth it. Charles could still take you out to see beautiful landscapes that he had come across, he could still spend time with you and communicate with you. He didn't see your deafness as a disability is anyway really, you simply couldn't hear things but you were still you and perfectly capable. Despite knowing this, he always had your back and would keep an eye on you during dangerous situations, but he probably would have done that anyway.


Before you lost your hearing you were a big fan of music, it was definitely the thing that you missed the most since you went deaf. You knew that Javier played guitar and even sang occasionally and it killed you that you couldn't hear him. You had liked Javier for some time and the thing that you wanted more than anything was to be able to listen to Javier play his music, especially since you knew that he was so passionate about it. He liked you too and didn't much care about you being deaf. It was a little sad that you couldn't listen to him play songs but he still enjoyed spending time with you more than anyone else. One night you were sitting with Javier at the campfire, he was mindlessly plucking on his guitar strings but then he paused like he just got an idea. He took your hand in his before placing it on the guitar, you gave him a confused look but he just smiled before beginning to strum a song. Both of you smiled at each other as he played the song. You couldn't hear it but you could feel the vibrations coming from the guitar. You loved the smile of pure happiness that was on Javier's face, he truly was a sweet man.

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