Dutch Van der Linde: Make A Move

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Dutch Van der Linde X Adorable Female Reader

Summary: Dutch is infatuated with you and keeps dropping hints, but you are waiting for him to make a move.

Word Count: 1300

Ever since you joined the gang Dutch has been infatuation with you. It started out with you simply being attractive, you were a beautiful young woman and he was attracted to you. It was simple and uncomplicated. But then he just started to fall for everything about you.

Dutch started to notice the little things you would do. He started to think about how kind you were to people and how much he loved that about you. You were sweet to everyone you cared about, which was the whole gang, and would always avoid conflict if you could.

Dutch began to notice the softness of your voice and how it always managed to sooth him, the way that your cheeks would turn an adorable shade of pink when he complimented you, how you always checked to make sure that he was alright.

It was fair to say that Dutch had fallen in love with you.


Dutch sat outside of his tent with his attention focused on you, a small smile forming on his face. You were sitting on the grass with Jack. He had asked you to help him make some flower crowns, so that's what you were doing. The pair of you were making flower crowns and you were making him laugh.

Jack stood up and stepped towards you before placing the flower crown of red flowers on your head, making you smile. Jack ran off when Abigail called for him, waving at you over his shoulder and shouting a cheerful 'bye!'. You waved at him before standing up, dusting your shirt off, before returning to the main part of the camp.

You continued on with your day, the flower crown still on your head since you had completely forgotten about it. The sight of you with the flowers in your hair just about killed Dutch, it was just so damn adorable.

Dutch smiled to himself before standing from his chair and walking over to you. You smiled at him when you saw him approaching, turning your full attention to him.

"Those flowers look excellent on you" Dutch complimented. You paused for a moment, wondering what he was talking about before remembering the flower crown on your head.

"Oh...I forgot about those" you giggled to yourself, reaching up and touching the flower crown to straighten it out on your head. "But thank you, Dutch" you smiled, a light blush appearing on your cheeks, dropping your hands back down to your sides.

"You're welcome, Y/N. But there is one problem, you do make those flowers look rather dull" he told you, a smirk forming on his face.

"Oh...I do?" you asked, frowning a little. You weren't sure what he meant by that.

"Yes. You see, Y/N, you are so beautiful that the flowers can simply not compare" Dutch explained himself with a charming smile.

You only smiled, not even sure how to respond to that. "Did you read that in one of your books?" you asked as you looked away from him for a moment, attempting to hide your blush.

"Ah you've caught me, Miss. As clever as you are beautiful, truly the whole package" he complimented again and you smiled, he was relentless so it was a good thing that you liked that about him.

"You flatter me, Dutch" you shook your head, hoping that he didn't see how much you were blushing. But of course he did.

"I would hope so" Dutch chuckled to himself before flashing you one last charming smile. "I will see you later" he nodded at you before turning around and walking away, leaving you smiling to yourself.

You often had encounters like that with Dutch. He would just come over and compliment you or something along those lines. He would flirt with you and you would flirt back, since you actually happened to have feelings for Dutch. The only problem was that he never actually acted on it, he never made a real move, and you were just waiting for him too.


The gang was celebrating which meant that the camp was filled with laughter and chatter, music, alcohol, and a feeling of relief. Nobody was worrying about what would happen after this night, it was peaceful despite it being loud.

You were dancing to the music with Mary-Beth, the pair of you talking and giggling together carelessly. Dutch watched you both before placing his bottle of beer down and walking over to the two of you.

"I'm sorry, do you mind if I interrupt?" Dutch asked as he stood between you and Mary-Beth.

"Not at all" Mary-Beth smiled at him, when Dutch wasn't looking she sent you a  quick wink before walking away, making you smile and shake your head.

Once Mary-Beth had left, Dutch held his hands out to you. You smiled as you took his head, letting him pull you against his chest. He kept one of your hands in his while his other hand held your waist, your free hand resting on shoulder.

You giggled as Dutch spun you under his arm to the sound of the music, before pulling you back against his chest. You both danced for a little longer, you slowly melting into his hold as you relaxed.

"Would you like to go for a walk?" Dutch asked quietly, lowering his face so that his lips were against your ear.

"I would" you smiled up at him.

Dutch smiled at your answer before holding his arm out to you, letting you wrap yours around his. You both walked away from the camp, walking peacefully together among the tress, your arms wrapped around his as Dutch held you close to his side.

"You look beautiful tonight" Dutch complimented you, sounding more sincere than usual. Normally he sounded like he was trying to get a reaction out of you but this tome he sounded like he really did just want to give you an honest compliment.

"Thank you, Dutch. You look very handsome" you returned the compliment as you laughed softly to yourself.

"That's kind of you to say, my dear" Dutch smiled down at you and the nickname alone made you smile.

Dutch then stopped walking and turned to face you, making you stop with him and look up at him.

"Y/N...I won't try to woo you with some fancy words, I have a feeling that they won't work on you, but I still must try my luck. I honestly think that you are a beautiful and amazing woman, you would make any man very happy. I was wondering if you would take a chance on me" Dutch spoke as he took your hands in his, holding them between you.

"Dutch, you can't speak without trying to woo somebody with fancy words, but I suppose that is something that I like about you" you laughed softly to yourself before meeting his gaze again.

"Is that a yes?" he asked, a hopeful sound in his voice.

"It's a yes, I will take a chance on you, you fool" you told him, it was about time he asked you!

Dutch laughed a little to himself, perhaps he had been a fool for not making the move earlier. Yet here you were, still waiting for him to make the move. He seemed to notice this and smiled softly.

He ran his fingers over your cheek before brushing your hair out of your face, he then started to lean down to you. You lent up and met him half way, your lips meeting for a tender kiss. Dutch's hand gently cupped your jaw while his other hand settled on your waist, holding you close to him while your hands rested on his shoulders. Dutch held you like you were truly something precious and you could get used to that feeling.


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