Hosea Matthews: Had Me Scared

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Hosea Matthews X Caring Female Reader

Summary: Arthur and Uncle take the girls (including the reader) into Valentine and they get ambushed by some O'Driscolls, and the reader gets kidnapped by them.

Word Count: 1880

Arthur and Uncle had taken you, Mary-Beth, Karen, and Tilly into Valentine whether they had the intention of robbing someone or just getting out of camp for the day. You didn't even get into Valentine. Arthur had stopped to help a man get his spooked horse back, and while he was away from the wagon a group of O'Driscolls ambushed you all.

You and the other women managed to climb down from the wagon in time to get away from the other gang. You gasped as a strong hand grabbed your arm and pulled you backwards, another arm wrapping around your waist. You screamed out for somebody to help you, Arthur looked over at you and tried to get to you but another O'Driscoll got in his way and knocked his gun out of his hand, starting a messy fist fight.

You called out for somebody to help you again and the other woman shouted Arthur to do something, considering they didn't have any weapons on them. Uncle had shot at the man pulling you away from the group but missed him. Before you knew it you had be hoisted up onto a horse and had left the others in your dust.

The other O'Driscolls fled, leaving Arthur, Uncle, and the other women behind. "Arthur, you have to do something!" Karen told him as they climbed back onto the wagon.

"Uncle, take them back to camp. I'm going to see where they took Y/N" Arthur ordered before calling his horse and riding off in the same directions that the O'Driscolls went.

When everybody got back to the camp, without you or Arthur, people had questions about what had happened. The news of your kidnapping had spread through the camp quickly and soon reached Hosea. As soon as he heard the news, he was concerned. You were the nicest and most caring person that he had ever met. He wouldn't know what to do with himself if something happened to you.

Arthur had found the O'Driscoll camp but decided not to risk going in alone, so he returned to Horseshoe Overlook to gather up some assistance. Of course Javier, Charles, Sean, Lenny, and a few other gang members offered to help bring you back home safely. However, the most keen to go with Arthur to bring you was Hosea.

The O'Driscolls had your hand's tied behind your back and tied to a wooden post so that you couldn't move. You hadn't been there for too long, a few hours perhaps, but the O'Driscoll boys hadn't stopped tormenting you. Whether they were making crude comments, kicking you on their way past you, or spitting at you as they walked past.

One of the men had knelt down in front of you and reached his hand towards you, tucking your hair behind your ear. You tried to pull away from him and turned your head away from him, a look of disgust on your face. He just chuckled as his finger tips grazed down your neck. You could feel yourself tearing up but refused to actually cry in front of this man. Your eyes shot open and you looked around to see what was happening when you heard gun shots.

The man that was kneeling in front of you shot to his feet and hurried towards the rest of his gang. You watched as the O'Driscolls slowly dropped dead, flinching slightly when a gunshot sounded too close for comfort.

Your eyes widened and you gasped on shock when you felt somebody behind you untying your hands. Once your hands were freed you pulled away from the post and whoever was behind you before turning to face the person who untied your hands.

"Hosea" You sighed in relief when you saw the familiar face.

"Are you alright?" Hosea asked as he stepped towards you, leaning down and gently holding on to your forearms as he helped you to your feet.

Red Dead Redemption II Preferences and OneshotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora