Arthur Morgan: Just Like Old Times

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Arthur Morgan X Female Reader

Summary: You expectantly meet after a long time apart. 

(For this one-shot Arthur was a littler older when he met Dutch and Hosea, about 20 instead of 15)

Word Count: 1980

You sat down at the bar in town and ordered a drink, the place wasn't anything fancy but it was something that you were used too. You had just finished running a scam nearby and decided to stop for a drink before you moved on to the next town. You traced your fingers over the rim of your glass before sighing. It was late and you were tired, maybe you should have just moved along instead of stopping. 

You glanced up towards the door when you heard it open but turned your attention back to your glass in an uninterested manner. Your eyes widened when you fully processed what you just saw, you looked up towards the front door and saw a man standing there. He was about your age, a head of thick brown hair, and beautiful blue eyes. God, you would recognise those eyes anywhere. 

He was older now, obviously, more muscular that he used to be but you knew that you could get used to that. He had some actual facial hair now, just a light stubble that suited him well. His hair was a little longer then it used to be and a little messier but you thought he looked good with it like that. It was fair to say that he had aged well. You knew it was him from the moment you saw him. Arthur Morgan. 

You and Arthur used to run together, causing trouble where ever you could. You were both young outlaws, excited to have your faces on wanted posters, thrilled by being chased by the law, and happy to be by each other's side. Yes, you two were quite the pair. Obviously you had matured now, you didn't cause trouble just for the sake of it and you assumed that he didn't either. He was a good man at heart, you knew that, it was what made you like him so much. But then he ran off with Dutch and you never saw him again. 

It had been more than a long time. You should've moved on but you didn't. You found new partners but you never connected with them like you did with Arthur, they always disappointed you or couldn't keep up with you. So you decided it would be better to work alone. 

You were mad at Arthur when he first left, you wanted to kill him in all honesty, but you are over it now. It had been so long and now you can see that you were both just clueless kids, you both made mistakes and in the end it might've been a good think that you went your separate ways. If you stayed together you might have never grown up, you might both still be out causing needless trouble for fun. 

Only now you realised that you had been staring at the man in the doorway, and you only just noticed that he was staring back. You turned away from him, staring down at your glass. What are you even suppose to say to him after all this time? You were as close as two people could be, thick as thieves if you will, but now you were just strangers.  

You refused to look up as you heard somebody approaching you, you only glanced at the stool beside you as they sat down. Just as you expected, it was Arthur. Something in you was relieved and overjoyed that he recognised you as well. Maybe he had occasionally thought about you after all this time? He did.

You stayed silent as he ordered his drink and waited for the bartender to place it down in front of him. You both sat in silence for a moment, neither of you knowing what to say. "...hi, Y/N" Arthur spoke almost hesitantly. He was afraid that you wouldn't even want to talk to him, he knew that you recognised him when he saw you looking at him but he was afraid that you hadn't forgiven him for running off. He wouldn't blame you, he abandoned you.

"Hey, Arthur" you said back, your voice as quiet at his, both of you looking down at your drinks. A part of you thought it would be easier than this but it was like all the memories came flooding back to you. You loved Arthur and then he was just gone.

Red Dead Redemption II Preferences and OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon