Dutch Van der Linde: Cheering Up

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Dutch Van der Linde X Female Reader

Summary: You are feeling a little depressed and Dutch tries to cheer you up.

Word Count: 1500

Something was wrong and Dutch knew it. You just haven't been acting like yourself recently, you've been acting weird. You've been staying to yourself more than usual, avoiding the other members of the gang as much as possible, you tended to stay in your tent more than anything. You hadn't left the camp much unless it was to get away from the noise of the gang. What worried Dutch the most was that you were eating and drinking less than usual.

At first it was only Dutch who noticed your change in behaviour but slowly the rest of the gang started to notice. Dutch was more than concerned about you.

It might have been selfish but what hurt Dutch the most was that you were acting strangely towards him. Whenever he talked to you, you were dismissive and seemingly disinterested, you didn't laugh or smile. Most of the time you just looked...blank.

Dutch knew that he shouldn't take it personally, he knew that something was going on that he couldn't see. He knew there was more going on in your head than you were letting in, you just weren't being yourself recently.

All Dutch knew was that you were sad, you weren't yourself, and he planned to change that.


Dutch wasn't sure what he could do to cheer you up or make things better but he was definitely going to try his damn best.

He started one day when you were both just in the camp. You were sitting in the quiet part of the camp, lost in your thoughts and trying to distance yourself further from everything even if it was just mentally.

You glanced up when you heard footsteps approaching, and there Dutch was. He was walking towards you with a box in one hand and a bouquet of flowers in the other.

"What are these for?" you asked as he handed you the box and the flowers.

"Just thought that I would get you something nice, you deserve it" Dutch smiled charmingly as he kissed the top of your head. "I know that these are your favourite flowers and that these-" he smiled, tapping the top of the red box "-are your favourite chocolates".

"You're amazing" you smiled as you placed everything down on the table, wrapping your arms around Dutch's waist and resting your head against his chest.

"You're welcome, my dear" Dutch replied as he wrapped his arms around your frame, soothingly stroking your hair. "I'll see you later" he said as he pulled away from you, knowing that you still wanted some space. He gave you a quick kiss, which you happily returned, before he walked away.

You smiled slightly to yourself as you looked down at your flowers and chocolates. Maybe Dutch had noticed that you hadn't been okay recently.


This time, as another attempt to bring a smile to your face, Dutch decided to talk you out of the camp. Even though you protested, Dutch convinced you to go out for the day with him.

You were confused when he rode down to the water but you had decided not to argue with him. Dutch took your hand and guided you towards a boat before helping you climb in.

Before you knew it, you and Dutch were in the boat and floating in the middle of the water. You were sitting between Dutch's legs, leaning back against his chest as he leaned back against the wood of the boat. Your head rested back against his shoulder, looking up at the blue sky, while he wrapped his arms around your waist.

Red Dead Redemption II Preferences and OneshotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin