Micah Bell: Ask Me

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Micah Bell X Beautiful Female Reader

Summary: You are a new member of the gang and the other members of the gang find out that Micah likes you. This leads to a lot of teasing from the gang but, somehow, you remain completely oblivious about Micah's feelings for you and the gang's jokes.

Word Count: 3400

Micah remembers the first time that he saw you in the camp. No, he isn't a sentimental person but you admittedly made a good first impression. You were completely gorgeous. He had looked up from his drink and his gaze settled on you, nobody had ever made walking look so graceful. He didn't know why you had some an impact on him but you did. However, it was a physical thing. You were a beautiful woman and Micah definitely wouldn't turn down any advances you might make.

You never made those advances though, which didn't surprise Micah at all.

Then something terrible happened. Micah's attraction to you stopped being just physical. Turns out you are extremely nice as well, you're as beautiful on this inside as you are on the outside. You were even kind and polite to him, too bad you were far, far out of his league.

It didn't take too long for the rest of the gang to pick up on Micah's feelings for you. He was different around you, it was like he went out of his way to stay quiet, he made an effort to not say stupid or offensive things. It was Micah's equivalent of being nice and the gang picked up on it. They saw the way that he tensed whenever you were around, the small smirk that tugged on his lips when he was talking to you. It wasn't the usual smirk he would give to either annoy someone or intimidate someone, but when he was with you the smirk was softer. It was almost flirty. The gang knew about Micah's feelings for you and they were definitely going to use it against him.


Micah sat at one of the tables in camp, lost in his own thoughts. He ran his fingers over his facial hair, it had been a little while since he did anything to maintain it, it needed some grooming. He never exactly cared much about his appearance but recently he had thought about it from time to time, he tried not to think about why he suddenly cared but he knew that it had something to do with you though.

"I need a shave" Micah muttered to himself, running his fingers over his facial hair again.

You just happened to be walking past where Micah was sitting, you had heard what he said and you couldn't help but frown. You liked Micah, you knew that he wasn't a good person but you could see that he was never cruel to you. You wouldn't say that he nice to you but compared to how he spoke to other people, he was nicer to you.

"No, I don't think so...a trim maybe but not a shave. I think you look rather handsome with facial hair" you told him with a smile before you continued walking. Micah hated your smile, he hated it because he didn't hate it. Your smile always seemed to brighten the room, he thought that your dimples were adorable, and when that smile was actually meant for him, Micah thought he could melt. He hated that.

Micah watched you as you walked away, raising an eyebrow at your back. He was definitely confused about your comment, he couldn't say that he disliked hearing the compliment come from you.

"Damn, Y/N, I think you broke Micah!" Sean shouted over to you, laughing at the dumbfounded look on Micah's face.

"Shut up, MacGuire" Micah snarled as he stood up and stormed away, his aggression and defensiveness only making Sean laugh more. Luckily for Micah, you hadn't heard them, but that meant that you were still completely oblivious about Micah's feelings for you.


You sat at the campfire with Micah, Javier, John, and Hosea. Some casual conversation was being shared among the group, Micah seeming to stay out of it, but nothing important was being discussed. You were all interrupted when Arthur walked over to you, the five of you turning to look at him.

Red Dead Redemption II Preferences and OneshotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora