Arthur Morgan: Foolish

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Arthur Morgan X Female Reader

Summary: Arthur helps out during the women's march with Penelope and Beau and the reader falls for him.

Word Count: 2600

Arthur rode along beside Beau, following the odd man to where the women's march was suppose to begin. Soon a group of woman came into sight and Arthur recognised Penelope Braithwaite standing outside of the group, talking to another woman.

You stood with the other women, all of who were preparing to march for a woman's right to vote. You were talking to Penelope, both of you filled with adrenaline with smiles on your faces, ready to fight for something that you believe in.

You laughed at something that Penelope said but your laugh faded when you saw Beau Gray approaching from behind Penelope. He was on his horse and he had brought a stranger along with him, you definitely hadn't seen him before, you would have remembered him. The stranger was also riding towards you on his own horse.

"Uh...Penelope...isn't that Beau?" you asked, pointing over at the two approaching horses.

"Oh my...what is he doing?" Penelope asked with a small sigh as she turned to face her secret boyfriend. You had known about Penelope and Beau since the beginning, Penelope had told you about it. Plus, they weren't actually that great at hiding it well.

"Who is his friend?" you asked, assuming that Penelope would know about Beau hanging around with men like that. Everything about him just screamed outlaw, cowboy, no good. God, you already liked him.

Instead of answering you, Penelope hurried over to Beau as the two men dismounted their horses. You sighed and followed her over to the men.

Penelope stood in front of Beau while you stood slightly behind and to the side of her, glancing at the rugged man who seemed disconnected from the conversation. He was definitely a little older than you, and significantly taller than you. He had thick brown hair, falling messily from his head. You couldn't help but notice his blue eyes...or were they green? A mix of both perhaps. He stubble over his chin and jaw. He definitely wasn't as tidy as Beau or most other men you have met but he made it work, better than anyone could in your opinion.

"Beau, what are you doing here?" Penelope asked with slightly widened eyes.

"I cannot let you go through with'll be killed" Beau warned her, reaching out to place his hand on her arm but she brushed him away.

"Y/N and I are prepared to die for the cause, Beau. You know that" Penelope sighed and you turned your attention to them, hearing your name snapped you out of the strange trance the unfamiliar outlaw had put you in.

"Do something, please" Beau pleaded with the stranger.

"Do what? Fight this mob? They'd eat me alive" the stranger joked with a straight face and you found yourself laughing softly. You smiled because he didn't sound like he was mocking you like most men you have met, he sounded like he would genuinely be hesitant to take on these women. You liked that he took you all seriously.

Arthur heard you soft laugh and he glanced at you. He figured that you were a friend of Penelope and that you would be involved in the women's march. He couldn't help but smiled slightly to himself when he realised that he had made you laugh. He couldn't deny that you were beautiful.

"This is no laughing matter, sir" Beau reminded him but the stranger just grunted in reply. "They need protecting from certain elements. Mostly my family" he sighed, trying to get the three of you to agree with him. "Penelope, I beg you" Beau pleaded, this time with Penelope as he took her hand in his.

Red Dead Redemption II Preferences and OneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang