The Van der Linde Gang: H . Lemieux

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The Van der Linde Gang & Teenage Female Reader

Summary: you have a date with the mayor's son but some members of the gang misread the situation, now it's time for the gang (your family) to get protective over you.

Word Count: 2300

You met the mayor's son at the mayor's party in Saint Denis when you went with Dutch, Hosea, Arthur and Bill. He instantly knew that you didn't belong there. He had been to plenty of these parties, it was his entire life, so he knew that this was your first high society party. He couldn't deny that you had caught his interest.

You two got to talking and it turned out that you were the same age. You spent the rest of the evening with him and you ended up having a lot of fun together. Perhaps you underestimated the members of high society.

At the end of the night, when you had to return to the others, he asked if he could see you again and you really liked the sound of that. So, you had planned a time and place to meet for a date in Saint Denis.

You had never been on a date since the gang was far too protective over you, they wouldn't let a man near you enough to talk never-mind date.

Now, your date the the mayor's son was in two days. However, he apparently just couldn't wait that long so he sent you a letter.

The part where this all falls apart is that you never received the letter, because another member of the gang found it first...

"Just read it Arthur!" John ordered, annoyance clear in his voice, as he pushed the letter in Arthur's face.

"Why are you reading other people's mail anyway?" Arthur asked with a grunt, snatching the letter from his hand.

"Not just other people's mail, Y/N's mail. It looked real suspicious, she doesn't get mail, she only knows us" John pointed out, trying to convince Arthur to read the letter that John had already read.

"...fine" Arthur sighed, figuring that John was probably right. Arthur silently read the letter while John waited impatiently.

Arthur's brow furrowed in confusion and distaste as he realised that this was quite clearly a love letter, signed by a "H . Lemieux".

"Lemieux? Where do I know that name?" Arthur hummed to himself, quickly scanning over the letter again.

"You know who it is?" John asked, his eyes widening slightly.

"Holy shit..." Arthur whispered as the realisation hit him.

"What?" John asked, wishing that his friend would fill him in on what the hell was going on.

"H . Lemieux...Henri Lemieux, that's the name of the Mayor of Saint Denis" Arthur told him as he folded the letter up again.

"The Mayor is sending love letters to Y/N? She's a kid!" John asked, disgusted by the while situation.

"He must be one hell of a creep..." Arthur shook his head, running his hand through his hair. How long had he been sending you letters? Was this the first? Did you even know about it?

"So what do we do? Should we give it to Y/N?" John asked, knowing it was probably the right way to handle this.

"Yeah...that's probably the right thing to do..." Arthur nodded hesitantly.

"We're going to give it to Dutch, aren't we?" the younger man asked with a small sigh.

"We certainly are" Arthur nodded before they both walked over to Dutch. They felt bad for going to Dutch instead of you but...they did it anyway.

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