Chapter 4: First Fight

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"Eh? Who's that kid?" asked one of the devils when they saw Zayne running towards them.

"Don't know, just kill him." said the other devil.

Then two middle class devil brought out their wings and flew towards Zhayne. Seeing them getting closer, Zhayne took out his Zanpakuto, Senbonsakura and held it straight in front of him.

"Scatter, Senbonsakura."

His words brought a new terrifying force into existence, his words doesn't seem to come from his mouth but from his soul. Everyone watched in shock as his katana disintegrated into numerous sakura petals.

Seekvaira and the two little girls were surprised too, this is the first time they saw this kind of sword skills. 'They're beautiful.' thought the girls. It wasn't only them, everyone thought the same thing, until they saw the 'beautiful' petals slaughtering the two middle class devils and it continued to slaughter the other devils as well.

The only devils safe are the three high class devil, the others were killed by the petals. Zayne clicked his tongue seeing the three devils alive, even though they are injured.

It seems like my strength still haven't reached the level of a high class devil yet, he thought. Then he saw the three devils preparing a magic to attack him. He became anxious, the combined strength of three high class level devils is something he couldn't defend.

Even though they are weakened due to the injuries they suffered from the Senbonsakura, they are still high class regardless.

"Brat! Go Die!!"

Then they fired barrage of magic towards Zayne, who just took a position similar to Gray Fullbuster when he uses his magic.

"Ice make: Shield!"

Then, a three meters shield made of ice appeared in front of him. However, instead of normal colored ice, his ice shield is colored black.

Zayne fused his Armament Haki into his shield, further strengthening its toughness. He doesn't know how tough his shield was, but he knew that it is enough to stop the attack of three weakened high class devils.


"How could this be!?"

"He survived our attacks?!"

Zayne took the opportunity when the devils are still stunned and created an ice bow and arrow covered in Haki and fired it towards them. The two have died while the remaining got his shoulder shot.

"If I'm going to die here. Then I'll take you with me!"

The devil then flew towards Zayne in fast speed. He couldn't even react as the devil pierced his stomach.



Zayne grabbed the devils arm and pierce him with his sword in his heart, ending his life.

"Zayne!" he turned around and saw Seekvaira approaching him. He smiled at her and look at the cat girls who is also starting to approach him.

"Zayne! Zayne! Are you okay!?"

"Don't worry, I'm fine, just gonna rest a little." Zayne then closed his eyes as he fell asleep. Seekvaira couldn't help but let out a sigh when he heard that he is fine but still worried because of his injuries.

Then she saw the two cat girls approaching them with worried looks on their faces.

"MY DEAR DAUGHTER!! WHERE ARE YOU!? PAPA'S HERE!" when Seekvaira heard the voice, her cheeks started to twitch several times. She truly hate when her father always treats her like a child. But still she let out a sigh of relief knowing that they are now safe because her father is here.


When Zayne opened his eyes, what greeted him is an unfamiliar room with Seekvaira sleeping beside him. He smiled and wanted to caress her hair.

He slowly stood up from the bed and found out that he is only wearing a shorts. He looked at his stomach where he was injured, and sure enough he didn't see any scars or something.

His immortality is truly awesome compared to the Phenex clan who can only regenerate as long as they have a magic power. Zayne however, can still regenerate even without any magic powers even when his head is cut off.

He just lost his consciousness because almost all of his demonic energy has been drained, if not for him absorbing the energy from the surroundings he wouldn't know what will happen to him.

"I see your awake." turning around, Zayne saw a middle age man which he guessed as Seekvaira's father, the current lord of Agares Family. He also saw the two Nekoshou behind Lord Agares and is watching him.

"Hahaha! I was actually planning to patch you up, who would've thought that your body is almost similar to a Phenex! The moment I saw you on my daughter's arms all your injuries were already healed." Lord Agares said he eyed Zayne curiously.

Zayne retreated a few steps before calming down. "Daughter? You are Seekvaira's father? Then you must be the patriarch of Agares family then."

"Sure am! Hahaha! Oh by the way, this little girls here wanted to talk to you. Well, I'll be leaving for now. You are the heir of Crocell family right? Seekvaira told me about you, I'm going to call your parents." Lord Agares then left the room.

Zayne stared at the two cute cat girls who is also staring at him. They kept staring at each other, and stared, and stared, and stared, until the silence is broken by a cough.

"*Cough* What are you all doing?" Zayne turned his head and saw Seekvaira awake and staring at them weirdly.

"Err..... Staring contest?"


In a certain huge house on the underworld. We can see two people talking with each other.

"What!? Those girls were taken by someone!?" the first guy angrily shouted while letting out a strong demonic energy comparable to an Ultimate class devil.

"Yes." the other guy couldn't help but sweat because of the intensity of the demonic energy the other first guy is releasing.

"Who is it!? Who dared to steal my test subjects!?"

"Don't! We would never beat their family!" the other guy said, trying to prevent the first guy for doing something stupid.

"I don't care!!! Tell me who it is!!"

"The Crocell family's heir!" when the first guy heard it, all the anger present in his body disappeared and he let out a tired sigh.

"Let's change the targets." the other man didn't say anything but he agreed to first man. There are many Nekoshou out there, it's not worth it to fight the most influential and richest family in underworld for just two little girls.

-Okay, I know almost nothing about the personal life of Seekvaira, so I'm making my own.-

-Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Time Manipulation the special ability of Agares family? Like Bael's power of destruction?-

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