Chapter 16: Memories

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At the sky above an oasis right in the middle of a seemingly endless desert, a large white magic circle appeared, followed by a body of a ten years old boy who barely have any consciousness left.

He is none other than Zayne, his injuries were already healed, but the backlash of overusing the Pure Mana cause his body to slowly being ripped apart. If you look closely, you will see some small cuts appearing on his body which quickly disappear, only to appear again.

His body is currently being destroyed, and repaired, again and again.

He was falling down, fast, high enough for a Satan to die immediately. Suddenly, a magic circle appeared, followed by a beautiful woman with crimson hair.

She took Zayne to her to her arms before he could fall down to the ground. Then, she gently descended, and proceed to lay Zayne down slowly.

"Jeez~ what a troublesome master I have."

This woman, is none other than Zayne's very own familiar, Irene.

She was having a peaceful time on the familiar forest, swimming on a lake, she was even happily talking to some sprites when she suddenly felt her master in danger.

Quickly wearing her typical outfit, she immediately forcefully teleported towards her master's location, it took her a lot of effort just to summon herself without her master's permission.

She was a bit surprised when she appeared at the sky, with her master's body falling from the sky. But she quickly recollected herself and picked him up, before gently laying her master to the ground.

"Hmm? This-"

She only noticed it now, but Zayne's body was currently being destroyed from inside-out, only for it to be quickly repaired.

She was impressed by his fast regeneration, even when she couldn't feel even a tiny ounce of demonic power or any energy on his body.

She gently layed Zayne's head on her lap as she proceed to carefully stroke his hair with a peaceful and beautiful smile on her face.


Meanwhile, on Zayne's mindscape. We can see Zayne himself looking at the imposing figure of a man in front of him. If you look closely, you can see the resemblance between this man and the man on the prison.

The man smiled before disappearing, then the scene began to change, the black and boundless space suddenly turned into a never ending forest.

There, he saw the man, facing a large and gigantic black dragon that seemed to be even much larger and bigger than the guardian Zayne saw at the prison.

Zayne immediately realized that this was a memory, the memory of the man back on the prison. Here, at this moment, he was imposing, he was domineering, and has an aura of a true expert.

He is like a Monarch. Tyrannical, Prideful, arrogant, and powerful.

He was completely different from the man Zayne saw back in prison. Frail, malnourished, and so weak.

Then, he saw the two of them fought, the heavens were screaming in anguish, the earth were roaring in pain, even though Zayne knew that this was just a memory and is not real, he couldn't help but turn pale and his body couldn't stop shaking.

He knew that just the shockwaves alone are enough to turn him into dust, heck he was sure that not even his soul will remain.

The fight ended with the man ripping out the dragon's heart.

Then, the scene change once again, this time the man was in front of millions upon millions of soldier, they were gazing at the sky, as though waiting for something.

Zayne did not have to wait long, as the sky began to crack, a crack so big that it seems to cover the entire world, and what came out of it are millions, probably even hundreds of millions of black dragons, along with a shadowy figure wearing a black armor, their numbers are even greater than the dragons.

Then, the man pointed his sword towards the sky and with a shout, immediately flew towards the dragons and the shadow knight while swinging his swords, killing hundreds of dragons and shadows in the process.

The army behind the man followed behind him, and proceed to fight the dragons and the shadows.

A heaven-shaking war has just erupt.

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