Chapter 19: Choice

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Zayne couldn't believe what he heard. The God of the bible, was actually just a mere will of this man? And that will alone is already a Tier 3 while he was weakened, just how strong Tier 7 are?

"Anyway, Kid, I feel some strange energy inside your body, it is very strong even though its just a single strand. Do you know what it is?"

Zayne stared at the man warily, he doesn't know if what the man said was true or not. If it was before, he would've immediately believe what the man said.

But now, he finally changed his way of thinking even though its just a little bit. He didn't know the intentions of this man, nor can he trust him.

After all, that strange energy was his trump card, telling it to others is certainly a no-go, especially someone who he just met.

"I see that you wary of me, looks like you've matured enough after experiencing that near-death situation. Since you won't tell me, then I won't ask."

Zayne stared at the man for a moment before sighing.

"It's not that I don't want to tell you, but I don't really know what is it, this thing just appeared while I was training."

"I see, and about that Immortal Body of yours, its best if you don't rely on it too much, after all that water from that fountain that grants immortality is only effective on someone with the strength of Tier 3 and below. And once you reach Tier 4, then your immortality will lose its effects and be nothing more than a fast regeneration."

Zayne wasn't a bit shocked, after all for him, the power levels of DxD and 7 Deadly Sins is at most at the same level. He doesn't know what others think but for him, the two is at the same level.

The 7 deadly sins has The Demon King and Supreme Deity? The DxD has Great Red and Ophis, there is even that Beast of Apocalypse. Ten Commandments? Then let them fight the Ten Strongest of DxD.

He doesn't care what others think, but for him the two worlds are at most at the same level, DxD might even be a bit stronger, after all it has the 13 Longinus Type Sacred Gears.

He doesn't know how strong Ban's immortality is, but it is at most at the Mortal Level according to a Cultivation Level Scaling.

"I already know it, but thanks for reminding."

"Also, about the two spirit inside your body, I don't know where you got them but it seems like you haven't been able to use their true might."

Now this is what shocked Zayne, after all he was already able to use Senbonsakura's bankai, and Ryujin Jakka's shikai, him hearing that he hasn't used their true might is just-

"Hmm, looks like you still haven't figure it out, and those two did not tell you anything about it. Hmm~ I guess you just need to find out about it on your own."

Zayne nodded, a thought of asking those two surfaced on his mind but quickly shook it off. After all, those two, and although Ryujin Jakka isn't showing it, are pretty loyal to him.

So if they haven't told him a single thing, meaning it is not the time, or it could be dangerous for him.

"Ahh~ looks like I'm out of time. Here, let me give this to you, it is an inheritance that I accidentally found on some ruins, I haven't cultivated this thing 'cuz it requires a person to cultivate from scratch. And since you haven't began to cultivate yet, you can use it." (AN: Some of you might be confused at this part, I'll explain it at the end of the chapter)

"I don't know if this is a high ranking technique, a trashy one, or an incomplete one, heck I don't even know if this is a genuine cultivation technique. So if your insecure or afraid to use it, then I'll give you my technique, after all my technique is still a strong one that allows me to reach the 7th tier in just a couple hundreds of years."

"So kid, what would you like to choose?"

AN: So for those who are confused on the 'haven't cultivated' part, let me explain in it.

So, after the war took place, all cultivators lose their lives, and the world was reduced to the size of planet Earth.

All the inheritance and treasures are in the dimensional gap, and the ten inheritance that the man made is still hidden, so after he reformed the only continent remaining into a planet, no one became a cultivator.

Those angels, devils, gods are just mortal with powers who can fight a cultivator despite not being one.

So Zayne only has the strength of a Tier Two vut isn't actually a tier two just yet.

Hope this explanation helps you, and if not then just ask.

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