Chapter 11: Dragon

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Zayne look at the dragon with sparkling eyes as he said, "Hey dragon, what's your name? Can you talk? Do you want to be my familiar?"


The dragon roars before spreading its wings, creating a strong gust of winds that can surely put a tornado to shame.

However, Zayne just created large ice shield covered in haki while still standing on the same place he stood. He look at the dragon with a great interest, especially since it was quite rare to find dragon in familiar forest with the strength of an Ultimate Rank, especially a high tiered one.

"Quite aggressive aren't we? Well, before I make you my familiar, let's test you shall we? First is your strength. Ice Dragon."

A large dragon made of ice quickly materialized on his back, it was about the same size as the dragon Zayne was facing. This dragon Zayne created has a strength that could rival him without using his Zanpakuto.


The ice dragon quickly flew toward the dragon and launched several ice based attack.

Ice Breath!

Frozen Field!

Ice Spikes!



The two dragons has been engaging with each other for more than half an hour and Zayne was impressed that the dragon can fight his ice dragon who have the strength of a low tier Satan Class.

He was even more impress at the several AOE skills of the dragon, he was sure that with just one of those attacks, the dragon can already a turn an entire city into ashes.

"However, this cave is even more amazing for withstanding such strong attacks from both of them. Well, I guess this is enough for now."

The ice dragon immediately disappeared, turning into an ordinary water that was absorbed by the ground.

"Hn, as expected of my soon to be familiar. Then, let me test your willpower."

Then, Zayne released his Conqueror's Haki, draining the entire world its colors. Some weaker familiars outside the cave already fainted, while those who are still conscious did not dare to come out of their hiding place.

The dragon almost passed out but it managed to stay concious, releasing its full blown aura that is slowly increasing.

After the fight with the ice dragon, its strength drop from a high tier Ultimate Class down to a high tier High Class, but now its strength began to increase.

Low Tier Ultimate class.

Mid Tier Ultimate class.

High Tier Ultimate class.

Until it successfully broke through the boundary of Satan Class, completely shedding its shell and became a full fledge Dragon King.

Its size grew, its scarlet scales became darker and shinier, over all the dragon became even more scarier. It also evolved from a High Dragon to a Dragon King, becoming the sixth one.

"Hahahaha! I was only planning to test you, who knew that you managed to evolve! You're just like a fucking protagonist of an anime. Well, it's fine, hey dragon! Want to become my familiar?"


"Tsk! So you'll fight rather than submit? Well no worries, I'll just have to beat you to submission then!"

Then, an ice throne like chair appeared out of thin air, Zayne sat on it before pointing his fingers at the dragon.

"Gate of the frozen Babylon."

Then, dozens of magic circle appeared behind him, then with his command, the magic circle began throwing out countless of ice weapons.


The dragon just used its wings and claws to break all the weapons coming towards it. It didn't even use half of its strength as he destroyed all the ice weapons.

"Hmm~ how 'bout this."

The ice weapons quickly turned black, and as the dragon tried to smash them again like the others, it pierced its scales, injuring the dragon.


"Oi, oi, oi, don't look at me like that please? Its your fault for trying to smash my haki infused weapons."


A large amount of crimson colored energy gathered on the dragon's mouth, Zayne was sure that if it was released it would pulverized the entire Mt. Everest.

"Wow, I wonder if this cave would be able to hold on? Well, doesn't matter."

"Frozen Dome."

Then, a black colored ice emerges from the ground, forming a dome shaped while surrounding from all directions.


The dragon released the crimson energy, completely destroying everything in its path. The moment it made a contact on Zayne's dome, it created a very strong explotion.

The entire familiar forest shook, the cave was destroyed, and part of the forest was burned to ashes.

It was a good thing that the girls were safe as they were quite far, they were also protected by Zayne's haki infused dome. Don't ask how he did it, just that he did.

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