Peter Parker || Injuries And Fieldtrip

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-Peter POV-

I just finished a successful night of patrolling trough the quiet street of Queen and am now on my way home. It was a busy night, not that I mind it, I stopped a shop robbery, two car robberies, stopped a fight and I helped a really nice old lady cross the street. Aunt May is probably already asleep and I better be home fast because I have school tomorrow, to be specific I have a field trip to Stark Tower and I'm not looking forward to it at all.

''There seems to be a problem two blocks south from you're location, Peter'' KAREN informs me and I start swing to the location to check out what was wrong. Sleep can wait a little bit longer, this shouldn't take too long.

When I reach the location that KAREN gave me I see a person with a black mask, probably a man based on his big build, with a gun pointed to another man who was taking small steps backwards. I land on the building beside the ally and wait for the perfect moment to take action.

I jump off of the building that I was standing on and in between the man with the gun and the other man. ''Hallo Mr. Criminal, did you're parents never tell you that you shouldn't play with guns. You know that you could hurt someone with that.'' I tell him while pushing his gun to the side.

''I advise you to move spiderboy or I will shoot you're brains out.'' The man pointed his gun to my head and I push it again away from me. ''How unrespect full. My name is Spiderman not spiderboy. You write it as s p i d e r M A N not s p i d e r B O Y. Got it?'' I can see that the man is starting to get irritated by me and that I should work fast, just to be safe.

I turn to get a better took at the other man and take my eyes off of the gun for a second realize that the man is my science teacher, Mr. Harrington. What is he doing here? Before I could question it I feel my spidey senses go off and turn back to the armed man. I see him pull the trigger at me and I try to dodge the bullet but wasn't fast enough.

The bullet goes into my shoulder. He was going to shoots again, but I web him to the wall. Sadly he still shot and this time it hits my leg. I web his hand so that he can't shoot again and take the gun. I turn back to Mr. Harrington to check if he was okay. ''Are you okay, Sir?

''Yes, I'm fine thank you. Are you okay trough? I should call an ambulance.'' Mr. Harrington takes his phone out of his jacket and was about to call an ambulance but I stopped him before he could do that. ''Nononono, You don't have to, I will be okay. Could you call the police for me?'' I ask him and before he can answer I shoot another web to the top off the building and swing myself away from the crime scene.

I get a few streets away before I collapse in a dark ally. ''KAREN, can you please do a body scan?''

''Okay Peter, I will tell you the results when I'm done.'' I nod my head a little and then look down at my leg and shoulder and put pressure on them to try and stop the bleeding a little bit, because I'm bleeding more than I would like to admit. It hurt so much. I hope that Mr. Harrington called the police and that he is okay.

''Peter, I seems like the bullets didn't hit any organs, but you're bleeding out and should get medical attention immediately. I can't contact Mr. Stark, because the bullet damaged the suit. What would you like me to do?''

''It's okay, I... I will... call... Mr. Stark...''


My head hurts and I feel numb and cold. What happened. I open my eyes and see that I'm still in the ally were I fell last night. I look at my shoulder and leg and see that I lost a lot of blood, but that the wound aren't bleeding that much anymore. ''KAREN how long have I been here?''

''You lost consciousness around 2.25 AM and it is now 7.45 AM, meaning that you have been here for 5,5 hours. You lost a lot of blood and I advise you to call Mr. Stark right now.'' She sound very serious and concerned. I take out my phone and I call Mr. Stark.

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